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Most Unusual Food You've Ever Eaten - Occhidiangela - 03-26-2003

Is squid. Aquatic meat. It's consistency, depending on how it is prepared, goes from the tender to rubber bands.

'Snot likely to have a mucous consistency, so I have to ask: did you actually have some? Or was it something else?

Most Unusual Food You've Ever Eaten - Roland - 03-26-2003

...I'm eating Wendy's Spicy Chicken combo, complete with fries and Coke. You guys have your fish guts and moss licquor. I'll stick to Cherry Coke and pizza anyday. ;)

And yes, I can eat through just about any "disgusting" thing. I've watch medical surgery while eating and not felt a thing. It's VERY hard for me to lose my appetite.

Most Unusual Food You've Ever Eaten - AtomicKitKat - 03-26-2003

HAH! I've got you beat. Today during dinner, I was watching a documentary on elephants and they had a camera focused DIRECTLY at the rear end(as in all you can see is THE ONE RING and some skin) as the elephant was taking a 50lb dump(with turds as big as a human head). Not even fazed.

Most Unusual Food You've Ever Eaten - BlackLightning - 03-26-2003

Walkiry,Mar 26 2003, 04:09 PM Wrote:- Capibara: The larges rodent on earth, can be up to 60 kg. Really nice, albeit slightly dry. Goes well with mint sauce (or so they say, I prefer not to mint anything :D)
Dude, did you eat ur Capybara in Venezuela? I'm livin' there now.

Anyway, i hardly ever lose my appetite, i mean, i used to, and still kinda' do collect and study insects, and they were pretty cool.

I've also eaten snails in Spain, along with surströmming in Sweden (nice and salty!). I'm gonna' go on a trip to the Amazonas, where I'm hoping to eat Iguana meat or somethin'.

In Brazil, they've got this weird milkshake full of avocado, sugar, milk and condensed milk (it sounds kinda' good and creamy...)

When I was little, I also ate some raw ants which were still alive, not knowing you had too cook them :blink:

Most Unusual Food You've Ever Eaten - Walkiry - 03-27-2003

Quote:Dude, did you eat ur Capybara in Venezuela? I'm livin' there now.

I lived in Venezuela for almost 3 years :)

I ate the Capibara there (they call it Chigüire in Venezuela), but you can find it in most of South America. I also had some a couple of years ago in Brazil, along with the crocodrile (it was in a Rodizio restaurant, go figure :) ).

Most Unusual Food You've Ever Eaten - NiteFox - 03-27-2003

AtomicKitKat,Mar 14 2003, 01:06 PM Wrote:Cow Organs(heart, lung, stomach, intestines, liver no brain ever since BSE/MCD came out)
Brain is delicious. 100,000 zombies can't be wrong :)

Most Unusual Food You've Ever Eaten - BlackLightning - 03-27-2003

Walkiry,Mar 27 2003, 09:21 AM Wrote:I lived in Venezuela for almost 3 years :)
Man, that's kickass!

Were u there when Chavez came into power?
Man Chavez is a moron, hoarding all the money and stuff.

Anyway, i read that in Sri Lanka, people eat lizard tongue and banana sandwiches!

Most Unusual Food You've Ever Eaten - Conner Macleod - 03-29-2003

On a mission for an activist Christian group I was deceptively fed something at a ceremonial dinner that none of you would hope to ever taste. We were witnessing to a remote tribe in the Borneo/Malaysia part of this earth, and were disgusted to be fed one of their "delicacies". Let me tell you that you should kiss your wife (if you have one) and hug your kids. I'll leave it at that while you throw up in the nearest trash can. Imagine the most disgusting thing in the civilized world you could eat, and....

Changed my attitude about my fellow man forever. I'm still not over it.

Most Unusual Food You've Ever Eaten - AtomicKitKat - 03-29-2003

No Trouble

Most Unusual Food You've Ever Eaten - Walkiry - 03-31-2003

Quote:Man, that's kickass!

Were u there when Chavez came into power?
Man Chavez is a moron, hoarding all the money and stuff.

Anyway, i read that in Sri Lanka, people eat lizard tongue and banana sandwiches!

(How do you add that @person thing to the quotes?)

Nah, I was in Venezuela good 15 years ago (my God I suddenly feel old), back then I didn't worry much about economics or politics, just about chasing those colourful strange critters in the garden (much to the worry of my parents :D).

And... what's wrong with banana sandwiches? My grandpa used to eat them for dessert quite often :ph34r:

Most Unusual Food You've Ever Eaten - BlackLightning - 03-31-2003

Hey Walkiry

(I'm not sure about the person thing, i just put "quote" and it appeared....?)
Cool, so you were in Venezuela before it turned into a mudhole, you're REALLY lucky. :o
By the way, what were the colourful creatures you chased around?

I'm sorry about the bad grammar in the previous message, I was in a hurry.

Back to topic: In Mexico they get "Cabezas de Cabrito", which translated, are "Goat Heads".
I still remeber the first time I saw one. I went to the supermarket, waited at the meat section, and then... I saw it.... It was weird how that strange little goat head looked back at me (The eyeballs were still in there), all fleshy and stuff...

Oh, there's nothing wrong with banana sandwiches (I used to eat them with peanut butter as a kid :D ), it's the lizard tongue part I was trying to emphasize.

Most Unusual Food You've Ever Eaten - Count Duckula - 04-02-2003

Quote:And yes, I can eat through just about any "disgusting" thing.

Glad you can, Roland. This thread caused me to lose my appetite for the next ten years or so. There are just some things that were NOT designed for consumption, and insects top the list.

My idea of new frontiers in edibles?
