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1.10 Screenie thread - Rhydderch Hael - 06-11-2003

WarBlade,Jun 10 2003, 03:28 PM Wrote:... My opinion is that Molten Boulder and Volcano do mixed damage though, considering the listed differences of "Fire Damage" and just "Damage". Note that both of those skills deal with flinging hot rocks around which one would imagine could physically hurt. ;) ...
I myself have always been a longtime advocate of adding a physical damage component to a Sorceress' Meteor strike. Having a giant rock descend from the sky and bonk a fellow on the head is a sure-fire way to make the bad guys go 'squish'.

1.10 Screenie thread - TaMeOlta - 06-11-2003

Rhydd !! Have you been hibernating ?! :o Welcome back ......... :P !

1.10 Screenie thread - Rhydderch Hael - 06-11-2003

Moved. New job. Bad dialup. Wrecked car. Bought LoD. All in that order.

Mayhaps once (and when) 1.10 descends upon us all, I'll be able to pen an updated version of the Ranger Manifesto. That is, after I spend what time I have bringing my Single Player LoD Ranger (currently at Level 18 and starting in Act III) up to arms in respectable condition.

1.10 Screenie thread - Wyrm - 06-12-2003

Don't know if this was supposed to be a hoax or something, but saw it as I was getting ready to leave for the evening.

edit: well, guess it was a hoax after all. Still kinda interesting though, but anyways...

1.10 Screenie thread - Chaerophon - 06-12-2003

Looks like bs to me. Should be in blue or red, no? I have a feeling that if they were going to shut down the server for patch installation, they'd let everyone know on the right hand panel in blood red.

1.10 Screenie thread - WarBlade - 06-12-2003

1. Well Mighty Tancred missed the geocities fine print about bandwidth limitations and will probably lose his/her bandwidth before long.
2. Apparent failure to spell "what" in two attempts.
3. Oh and some stuff about a Realm shutdown. :unsure:

1.10 Screenie thread - Wyrm - 06-12-2003

WarBlade,Jun 12 2003, 03:43 AM Wrote:1. Well Mighty Tancred missed the geocities fine print about bandwidth limitations and will probably lose his/her bandwidth before long.
2. Apparent failure to spell "what" in two attempts.
3. Oh and some stuff about a Realm shutdown. :unsure:
1. Actually, I'm not might_tancred, the char's name I was on at the time with was Chetyre.

2. I really couldn't care less about geocities bandwidth limitations, I lose it, I lose it, it's not a problem for me.

1.10 Screenie thread - Obi2Kenobi - 06-12-2003

Come on. They could have at least emoted. Then it looks more realistic, instead of the <Battle.Net> Being in white.

1.10 Screenie thread - Rhydderch Hael - 06-12-2003

It's a hoax easy enough to spot. Mr Tancred simply formatted a bit of text so that the <> wrapped around to the next line.

He made the gross mistake of repeating it, thus showing the clear indication that he copy+pasted this formatted text, and to repeat the message, he repeats the "wat up?" message.

1.10 Screenie thread - kier - 06-13-2003

Rhydderch Hael,Jun 11 2003, 02:39 PM Wrote:I myself have always been a longtime advocate of adding a physical damage component to a Sorceress' Meteor strike. Having a giant rock descend from the sky and bonk a fellow on the head is a sure-fire way to make the bad guys go 'squish'.
It's a ball of molten rock, it wouldn't squish them, more explode on impact, causing them to get coated in lava. Pretty painfull really :P

Talking of sorceresses, I wonder if they will get any synergies? and for what skills?

1.10 Screenie thread - DSTheHermit - 06-14-2003

I'm pretty bloody sure there will be a firebolt/hydra synergy a la D1, although I'm obviously not certain. I would think at least one lightning skill would add to Tstorm, and I'll bet lightning adds damage or extra hops to chain lightning. Ice bolt probably has a synergy with chilling armour, and maybe some other skills will too so that there is some reason to put a point in it. Ice Blast/Glacial Spike seems like a likely synergy too, based on function. Similarly, firebolt and ball probably exist synergistically, and possibly blaze/firewall. And hopefully everything will have synergy with enchant, so that it actually does something now. :op Ice bolt/frozen orb is possible, too, as I think ice bolts are the projectile which comes from the orb. I'm probably missing several, though, as I would never have expected bone wall/prison to add to bone spear (and probably do so based solely on name, there's no real logical explaination available).

But then, speculation is mental mast........, so sayeth The Hermit.

"You are just a part of me." Tool - Part of Me

1.10 Screenie thread - Jugalator - 06-16-2003

I'm lazy, so I'm just quoting that GFraizer dude :)

We’ll be adding many new Horadric Cube recipes to Diablo II with the upcoming 1.10 patch. Many of the recipes allow you to upgrade Runes. For instance, Jah Rune + Jah Rune + Jah Rune + Flawless Ruby results in a Cham Rune. This formula only works for Ladder Characters and Open Characters.

Edit: added highlight

1.10 Screenie thread - Rhydderch Hael - 06-16-2003

Not synergy per se, but perhaps the elemental Masteries will impart elemental Resistances as well.

One possible synergy I can see for the Paladin is Sanctuary/Holy Bolts, with the side-effect of affecting the Holy Bolt burst of Fist of Heavens as well.

1.10 Screenie thread - WarBlade - 06-16-2003

Rhydderch Hael,Jun 17 2003, 08:10 AM Wrote:One possible synergy I can see for the Paladin is Sanctuary/Holy Bolts, with the side-effect of affecting the Holy Bolt burst of Fist of Heavens as well.
I hope not. That'll make the Paladin one class who's synergies are placed across multiple trees while the others look set to stick within one tree. From the preliminary guesswork I've been doing, such a move will generate small balance issues all over the show. :(

1.10 Screenie thread - Archon_Wing - 06-17-2003

Intresting that it doesn't work for nonladder realm characters. But fine, I'll play on the ladder. I was going to do something with those damned thuls though. :)

1.10 Screenie thread - Chaerophon - 06-17-2003

Considering the fact that an item such as azurewrath had its physical damage alone boosted by 144%, I wonder if the new leading unique PHYSICAL damage dealer (based on very preliminary consideration) may not be the bonesnap maul when all is said and done. Considering the boost that Azurewrath's elemental and magic damages received, I'm prepared to see (if the recipes are to scale) 60 or so percent crushing blow on a maul that could mete out (if damage increases are to be proportional at least 462-636 damage up to a possible 665-915. Of course, with that kind of damage, who needs CB... I'm kind of afraid of what's coming here. As much as I like the idea of upgrading normal and exceptional uniques, I hope that the items have stat increases that vary from weapon to weapon. Whatever happens, it's going to be a strange new world that I jump into after a year-long hiatus come 1.10. MMMMMM.... Elite steeldriver on a WW......

BTW, the idea that Azurewrath could be transformed into such a potent weapon pleases me beyond belief. Why Tyreal would have wielded a pathetic piece like its normal incarnation is beyond me.

1.10 Screenie thread - Rhydderch Hael - 06-17-2003

WarBlade,Jun 16 2003, 01:37 PM Wrote:I hope not. That'll make the Paladin one class who's synergies are placed across multiple trees while the others look set to stick within one tree. From the preliminary guesswork I've been doing, such a move will generate small balance issues all over the show. :(
The Paladin may very well be needy of such an exception. How does one attain synergy with auras when one is forced to use one aura at a time? When one has synergy with casted spells, one can employ those spells in concert with each other. A lone Paladin was created by Blizzard with 2/3rds of his skills designed to be incapable of operating together.

1.10 Screenie thread - kier - 06-17-2003

I hope they update griswolds edge broad sword to become a sword on par with azurewrath. I remember the old days in d1, slaying away with my split skull kite shield and griswolds edge, with a meaty lords axe of the vampire in case I wanted to carve one of the beasties up :)

Allthough you will be able to update weapons, this patch has been a long time in the making. Could they not of revamped all the elite unis?

Speaking of which i woud whoarde as many of your favourite 1.09 items (baranas, buris, etc) that may be downgraded or changed.

Edit- just had another look at the new jah jah jah ruby recipe. I wasn't interested in the runes/gem however, i was interested in the kit the barbarian was using. The weapons are the Bul Kathos weapons, the helm is probably veil of steel, the amus/rings could be anything. The belt is probably magical, but could be a new uni, but the armour caught my eye. Toothrow sharktooth armour isn't gold, and allthough the armour could be just magical, it could be a sneaky peak at a new armour.

1.10 Screenie thread - kandrathe - 06-17-2003

Hmmm, looks like Sigon's gloves, boots and helm to me and a plated belt of frost nova on getting hit or something like that.

1.10 Screenie thread - adeyke - 06-17-2003

They look more like light plated boots than greaves to me. The equipment is also not as white as I recall Sigon being.