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Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - jahcs - 09-13-2005

Many folks around the world see the U.S. at the top of the list in many categories and since so many folks want to live here the U.S. gets lionized. When something bad happens in the U.S. they can't understand it, being perceived as the best means perfect, right?

The other side of that is the U.S. is at or near the top of the success list in many categories and other folks hate us for it partially because of jealousy. So anything the U.S. does is wrong and they have to go looking for the bad stuff and make sure everybody knows how bad it is (much of our own media falls into this group).
Also, the U.S. is seen to interfere with other nations and when our own backyard gets messy people forget how a chain of events anywhere can cause problems.

Oh, and did I mention the U.S. is where money is abundant and any problem should have already been solved by throwing money at it? And why don't we spread some more money around since our problems should have already been solved?

Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - Minionman - 09-13-2005

Occhidiangela,Sep 13 2005, 04:15 PM Wrote:*Forwards Shadow's post to Mayor of NO . . .* OOPS, too late!!!

It does seem like a good time to check around other areas for disaster plans (the whole west coast one earthquakes, especially L.A. and San Francisco, disease outbreaks anywhere, maybe especially in southeast with those hot, humid areas, less common disasters such as a volacon near Seattle or Portland blowing up, plus thse less extreme weather effects such as blizzards, cold spells, heat waves, and such.) It seems people are sort of paying attention to disasters now after the hurricane.

Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - Doc - 09-13-2005

Minionman,Sep 13 2005, 06:47 PM Wrote:It does seem like a good time to check around other areas for disaster plans (the whole west coast one earthquakes, especially L.A. and San Francisco, disease outbreaks anywhere, maybe especially in southeast with those hot, humid areas, less common disasters such as a volacon near Seattle or Portland blowing up, plus thse less extreme weather effects such as blizzards, cold spells, heat waves, and such.)  It seems people are sort of paying attention to disasters now after the hurricane.

I have some stupid bitch named Ophilia breathing down my neck right now.

Not worried at all through. I've had farts with more force than that little puff of wind.

Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - Occhidiangela - 09-14-2005

Minionman,Sep 13 2005, 05:47 PM Wrote:It does seem like a good time to check around other areas for disaster plans (the whole west coast one earthquakes, especially L.A. and San Francisco, disease outbreaks anywhere, maybe especially in southeast with those hot, humid areas, less common disasters such as a volacon near Seattle or Portland blowing up, plus thse less extreme weather effects such as blizzards, cold spells, heat waves, and such.)  It seems people are sort of paying attention to disasters now after the hurricane.

You seem to presume there aren't vary many such disaster plans? There have been earthquake disaster plans on the West Coast for longer than FEMA has been around. There have been flooding disaster plans in the Missouri and Mississippi river basins for decades, I saw part of one go into effect in 1993 when I lived in Leavenworth, Kansas. There is a disaster plan for the New Madrid Earthquake. There are disaster plans all over Florida, better than average I'll warrant, since Andrew laid the smackdown.

I imagine they get updated every so often, and the question is of

Is it executable? Is it executable in degraded mode? Is it executable with a panicked populace? Is it executable with a resistant populace? Is it executable with a hostile populace?

And, are the local officials too stupid to get out of their own way? Failure to answer those questions honestly, and in depth, will lead to a plan making contact and not having a hope to remain intact.


Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - Occhidiangela - 09-14-2005

Archon_Wing,Sep 13 2005, 04:25 PM Wrote:It is no suprise that certain people's mindless rambles build up and drives tempers short. If this disaster hadn't driven some of us to wit's end already.

And of course, some folks have a shorter drive than others. :D


Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - whyBish - 09-14-2005

Occhidiangela,Sep 13 2005, 07:34 AM Wrote:Trade in a right for less risk?

/Paid political announcement
Well, both sides of the issue could be construed as a right...

Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - whyBish - 09-14-2005

Doc,Sep 13 2005, 08:13 AM Wrote:It's about backing up the concept of everybody being equal with force, but only if need be. A gun levels the playing field.
Such is the tack taken by 'terrorists' To have a say in the global world one needs a threat able to level the playing field. Yay for nukes <_< .

I can't remember the last time an American has used a gun to get their voice heard by a politician... maybe Lee Harvey Oswald? :huh:

Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - ShadowHM - 09-14-2005

Occhidiangela,Sep 13 2005, 10:35 PM Wrote:Is it executable?&nbsp; Is it executable in degraded mode?&nbsp; Is it executable with a panicked populace?&nbsp; Is it executable with a resistant populace?&nbsp; Is it executable with a hostile populace?

And, are the local officials too stupid to get out of their own way?&nbsp; [right][snapback]89143[/snapback][/right]

Aye, those are the questions we all should be asking now, in every jurisdiction. I suspect Mississaga would still fare well, since "Hurricane Hazel" McCallion is still the mayor there. I am not so sanguine about Toronto, myself.

Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - Minionman - 09-14-2005

Occhidiangela,Sep 13 2005, 09:35 PM Wrote:You seem to presume there aren't vary many such disaster plans?&nbsp; There have been earthquake disaster plans on the West Coast for longer than FEMA has been around.&nbsp; There have been flooding disaster plans in the Missouri and Mississippi river basins for decades, I saw part of one go into effect in 1993 when I lived in Leavenworth, Kansas.&nbsp; There is a disaster plan for the New Madrid Earthquake.&nbsp; There are disaster plans all over Florida, better than average I'll warrant, since Andrew laid the smackdown.

I imagine they get updated every so often, and the question is of

Is it executable?&nbsp; Is it executable in degraded mode?&nbsp; Is it executable with a panicked populace?&nbsp; Is it executable with a resistant populace?&nbsp; Is it executable with a hostile populace?

And, are the local officials too stupid to get out of their own way?&nbsp; Failure to answer those questions honestly, and in depth, will lead to a plan making contact and not having a hope to remain intact.


Thats what I meant by "checking around", is looking at the disaster plans from everywhere just to make sure.

Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - Occhidiangela - 09-14-2005

whyBish,Sep 14 2005, 12:43 AM Wrote:Such is the tack taken by 'terrorists'  To have a say in the global world one needs a threat able to level the playing field.  Yay for nukes  <_< .

I can't remember the last time an American has used a gun to get their voice heard by a politician... maybe Lee Harvey Oswald? :huh:

Try Squeaky Fromme, attempted assassination of President Ford. Try David Hinkley (Jody Foster? Right!) attempted assassination of Reagan. Try attempted assassination of Governor George Wallace (1974? IIRC)

If you really want to understand America, consider what McVeigh was getting at when he blew up that building in OKC, THE FEDERAL BUILDING. Why the Federal Building, eh?


Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - Occhidiangela - 09-14-2005

Stupid Double Post. :P

Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - kandrathe - 09-14-2005

Minionman,Sep 14 2005, 07:29 AM Wrote:Thats what I meant by "checking around", is looking at the disaster plans from everywhere just to make sure.
My view is that the destruction in Louisiana was on a scale to utterly destroy the infrastructure and systems upon which their disaster plans relied, and destroyed the backup plans. Louisiana utterly failed as a system, and there was no quick recovery from that utter failure. An example is that Kathleen Blanco had pre-positioned her state's national guard to pre-assigned police stations, but the management and coordination of those forces utterly broke down.

Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - eppie - 09-14-2005

Occhidiangela,Sep 13 2005, 02:16 PM Wrote:Dear misguided albeit well intentioned eskimo

For openers, may I suggest .243 for coyotes?&nbsp; :)


There you start again....please stop sharing with us your methods on how to kill things, you would be better of on the think I have to warn the adminstrator......o you are an administrator..... :mellow: :D

Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - Minionman - 09-14-2005

kandrathe,Sep 14 2005, 10:31 AM Wrote:My view is that the destruction in Louisiana was on a scale to utterly destroy the infrastructure and systems upon which their disaster plans relied, and destroyed the backup plans.&nbsp; Louisiana utterly failed as a system, and there was no quick recovery from that utter failure.&nbsp; An example is that Kathleen Blanco had pre-positioned her state's national guard to pre-assigned police stations, but the management and coordination of those forces utterly broke down.

So, check up on the disaster plans to see if they cover situations such as this. I wasn't posting this as a blame game, more as a "now we've seen it once, time to get ready for some other disaster."

Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - whyBish - 09-19-2005

Occhidiangela,Sep 15 2005, 04:00 AM Wrote:Stupid Double Post.&nbsp; :P
My problem is stupid single posts :P

Guns, Butter, and Led Zepplin - Occhidiangela - 09-19-2005

eppie,Sep 14 2005, 11:26 AM Wrote:There you start again....please stop sharing with us your methods on how to kill things, you would be better of on the think I have to warn the adminstrator......o&nbsp; you are an administrator..... :mellow:&nbsp; :D

I am a free thinker and I speak my mind. If you have a problem with that, write your complaints on the back of a 20 euro note, and mail it to Bolty.
