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Is it a dupe? - Printable Version

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Is it a dupe? - Gandalf_teh_White - 06-30-2003

After all this hype about the new ruststorm plan of blizzard it got me to thinking. I have several items that are very common like sojs, gull, etc.. and I am worried if they could be dupes :huh: . I wouldn't want the items I looked hard to trade for to be gone in a poof because of no fault of mine :angry: . Anyway, I was wondering is there a way to tell the difference between a dupe and a legit item? If there is could someone please fill me in.

Is it a dupe? - kandrathe - 07-01-2003

Did it drop in front of you? No. Then it might be a dupe. Either way, better to just start over with v1.10 if you are that worried about your stuff. (That is, if it ever happens.)

Is it a dupe? - WarBlade - 07-01-2003

If it's a Stone of Jordan and you got it from someone else, then it's a dupe.
If it's something else that bought with such an SoJ, then that too is not a legit item and you might as well sell it to a vendor. <_<

Is it a dupe? - Thecla - 07-01-2003

Well, the only way you can be sure that an item is not a dupe is to find it yourself. But look at it this way: do you want to use dupes? If you don't, be thankful that Bliz deletes one of your duped items that you think is legit (though, given the level of duping that's gone on, I very much doubt they'll put much of a dent in the D2 dupes, or just as bad, the botted items). Personally, I spit on people (not addressing you personally ;) ) who complain about losing their "dupes-they-traded-for-using-legit-items-in-good-faith". If I had any dupes -- which I seriously doubt -- I'd gladly give Bliz one of my best legit items for every dupe they removed.

p.s. Another thing that really irritates me -- while I'm on this topic -- is people (again not addressing you personally) whose only concern about trading for dupes is that they'll disappear; no worries about cheating though. This is Stage 1 in Kohlberg's stages of moral development (if you're bad, your item will disappear -- or in the case of, there is an 0.01% chance it will disappear):

Unfortunately, Kohlberg forot to include the Stage 0 that characterizes 90% of

Is it a dupe? - Archon_Wing - 07-01-2003

Any rare item people call for in trade channels is a dupe.

Assume all elite items and runes above Um to be dupes, because the chance is simply very high. Even if it was legit, it's really not worth taking the risk. If you can't get it with chipped gems, don't get it.

Most unique exceptional items (save a select few, like vampire gaze) are not prized by those traders and thus are less likely to be duped. For example, I'd be damned if a Hand of Blessed Light was duped. :)

Sojs are heavily duped. You might as well transmute better rares using the cube.

Is it a dupe? - Occhidiangela - 07-01-2003

If the rust storm cleans out your account, then you have the motivation to see what is available for you to fill in the holes with, or the perfect reason to start from the bottom and do a Ladder Character.

Why hang onto dupes?

On bnet, the rule for trading has always been: Caveat Emptor

Is it a dupe? - jevicd - 07-02-2003

I was under the impression that if player X with a duped SOJ joined a game with player Y who had a legit SOJ then the duped SOJ would be removed once player X left the game. Is this correct or am I wrong?

Is it a dupe? - Taem - 07-02-2003

Your wrong because SOJ's have no item ID tags, strangly enough. Neither does anything pre 1.09. Although I though they added them in to all items on a server-side patch, but I must be mistaken as there are still tons of dupes out there that don't dissappear - ever!

Is it a dupe? - kier - 07-02-2003

No, no way unless the item is very percific and rare, or named. I was once trading for a cheap shako, which was named. when i saw the name I left, as a friend had the same named shako. When I asked him he said he traded it, so I told him to get rid of it, as this was obviously a dupe, but apart from this they are undetectible. Dupes are deleted when they meet with the same copy/original, but so many differant sojs have been duped there are thousands of differant copys, so it is rare they are deleted, where as an eth 1.08 arkaines is so rare, there is only 1 or 2 dupes, so people using these if in the same game will lose both.

Is it a dupe? - Arutha - 07-02-2003

I'm a bit surprised to see that many people state that ID tags were introduced with LOD 1.09.

Maybe they're a different kind of tags, but I remember that ID tags and anti-dupe measures were introduced with 1.05 or 1.06.
And they actually even worked in single-player mode.

Is it a dupe? - Taem - 07-02-2003

Hail Arutha,

You are correct, but the ID's were for uniques and sets only, not for rares or SOJ's (strangely enough). Only around 1.08-1.09 did rares get ID tags, but all the old ones never got them, only newly spawned ones. SOJ's still don't have ID tags and to this day and still widely duped.

Kier... all I have to say is in three threads I've commented on duping, you've responded acting like you actually know what your talking about but you don't and are just spreading nasty rumors - trust me! So just knock if off because I'm starting to get pissed off! I have two gripes with your method of trying to explain how wrong I am:

1.) I know the truth as I have personally seen know people who have used duping methods and I do not talk to them anymore - however, I know how these duping methods work and how they were coded, unlike you, so you are just spreading vicious rumors.

2.) I am giving vague descriptions at the very most to just allows people to understand about dupes so they don't get "duped" without giving them any ideas as to how to dupe whereas your trying to basically explain how to dupe. Go away and stop trolling after me!