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Slinking back out of the Shadows ;) - Printable Version

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Slinking back out of the Shadows ;) - ShadoweSpirit - 03-25-2007

Hi all...I know I kinda runned away and all but I'm thinking seriously of coming back. I miss you guys..I haven't played for months so instead of just jumping back in with a 60(Tam) I'm going to make a few new charries to *relearn* the skills are rusty I'm sure.

My question is TBC? I'm thinking of picking it up this week but I want to be sure its worth it;)**hugs**

Slinking back out of the Shadows ;) - Concillian - 03-25-2007

Quote: My question is TBC? I'm thinking of picking it up this week but I want to be sure its worth it;)**hugs**

It's fun if you liked the original game. It's more of the same but with some new mobs, new quests and new, more challenging instances. It's a little more rep based and that rep (for most factions) is less grindy, in that most of it comes from quests and instances. You get honored with most automatically just from normal questing, and can get revered with many of the factions without feeling like you're grinding. Exalted takes a dedicated effort of running instances (mostly on heroic difficulty). It still takes some time (in running the instances) however you're often running them for other reasons too (gear drops, quests, just playing with 4 other people).

Slinking back out of the Shadows ;) - Dynatos - 03-25-2007

Quote:My question is TBC? I'm thinking of picking it up this week but I want to be sure its worth it;)**hugs**

Honestly, it's pretty much necessary if you want to do anything in the end game.

Azeroth instances are quite literally dead, especially the L60 ones. Have you ever had trouble getting a run going for Wailing Caverns or RFC? Magnify that 10-fold for L60 Azeroth instances - no one wants to do them, since at L58 you can enter the Dark Portal where the loot is iotas better and the instances take a lot less time to complete (Scholo is, what, 2 hours with a good group? That same good group can do Ramparts in 45 minutes).

That worry will be a ways away if you start over at L1, though.

Slinking back out of the Shadows ;) - vor_lord - 03-25-2007

Quote:Hi all...I know I kinda runned away and all but I'm thinking seriously of coming back. I miss you guys..I haven't played for months so instead of just jumping back in with a 60(Tam) I'm going to make a few new charries to *relearn* the skills are rusty I'm sure.

My question is TBC? I'm thinking of picking it up this week but I want to be sure its worth it;)**hugs**

Hi Shadowe!

If I were you, and thinking of starting over, I'd pick up TBC so you can do it with a new race. All new (and cool) starting areas to make going from level 1-20 different. Then you don't have to do the same quests you've already done.

Slinking back out of the Shadows ;) - Mavfin - 03-25-2007

Quote:Hi Shadowe!

If I were you, and thinking of starting over, I'd pick up TBC so you can do it with a new race. All new (and cool) starting areas to make going from level 1-20 different. Then you don't have to do the same quests you've already done.

Of course, along with that, I wouldn't dump your old 60 yet, so if you get bored with leveling in the old world, you can take your 60 to the new and see the new stuff. You'll have plenty of time leveling to 70 to relearn the old:D

Slinking back out of the Shadows ;) - ShadoweSpirit - 03-25-2007

Okies, I made a New BE Hunter, her name is Shadriea..feel free to annoy me muchly;)Tam is still heere, I put too much work into her to delete her.

Slinking back out of the Shadows ;) - Treesh - 03-26-2007

Quote:Okies, I made a New BE Hunter, her name is Shadriea..feel free to annoy me muchly;)Tam is still heere, I put too much work into her to delete her.
Yay! Welcome back. :)