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Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Printable Version

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Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Doc - 12-22-2005

Clickity Click

Since the Lounge loves freebies.

Now, for Christmas, you can avoid getting one of those gifts that keep on giving.

I love you all, and wish you well during these holidays. :wub:

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - DeeBye - 12-22-2005

Hey thanks!


Quote:Offer good only in the USA (sorry to you European Net Surfers).

Not even a mention of us unfortunate Canadians. Now how will I get a minty fresh condom for free? :angry:

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Doc - 12-22-2005

DeeBye,Dec 21 2005, 10:28 PM Wrote:Hey thanks!

Not even a mention of us unfortunate Canadians.  Now how will I get a minty fresh condom for free?  :angry:

I hear your health officials are handing out free crack pipes... And you complain about no free minty fresh condoms? :wacko:


Sorry DeeBye... I need to find a freebie that works for Canuckistan.

As I recall, you didn't get any lube either... My apologies.

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - DeeBye - 12-22-2005

Doc,Dec 21 2005, 11:35 PM Wrote:Sorry DeeBye... I need to find a freebie that works for Canuckistan.

As I recall, you didn't get any lube either... My apologies.
It's like there is an American conspiracy to keep sex-related product freebies out of Canada :angry:

It's a good thing that we can still get all cuddly with our significant others without these gimmicky goods. We have years of practice getting close to each other under the covers when it gets cold, the way nature intended :)

As for the free crackpipe thing provided by the government, that's news to me :blink:

I thank you anyways for your Christmas Gift :)

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Doc - 12-22-2005

DeeBye,Dec 22 2005, 12:25 AM Wrote:It's like there is an American conspiracy to keep sex-related product freebies out of Canada  :angry:

It's a good thing that we can still get all cuddly with our significant others without these gimmicky goods.  We have years of practice getting close to each other under the covers when it gets cold, the way nature intended :)

As for the free crackpipe thing provided by the government, that's news to me  :blink:

I thank you anyways for your Christmas Gift :)

Been all over the news here... People are freaked out about it. Some health officials are handing out free needles for junkies... And free crack pipes as well to control the spread of unsightly herpes sores on the lips of Canadian citizens.

As for the lube issue... To quote Occhi, who was in turn quoting Brando;

"Maria... Get the butter."

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - DeeBye - 12-22-2005

Doc,Dec 22 2005, 01:30 AM Wrote:Been all over the news here... People are freaked out about it. Some health officials are handing out free needles for junkies... And free crack pipes as well to control the spread of unsightly herpes sores on the lips of Canadian citizens.

This is likely a west coast (Vancouver) thing. It's not news here in Ontario. Canadians are generally in favour of providing a safe place and safe equipment for junkies to do their thing. If you can't beat them, you might as well make it safer for them.

I hope this doesn't turn into a drug thread. This is a SEX thread.

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - yangman - 12-22-2005

DeeBye,Dec 22 2005, 12:01 AM Wrote:I hope this doesn't turn into a drug thread.  This is a SEX thread.

The Canadian supreme court today ruled that group sex and partner swapping are totally legal. (

I think this puts us back on track...

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - DeeBye - 12-22-2005

YZilla,Dec 22 2005, 03:38 AM Wrote:The Canadian supreme court today ruled that group sex and partner swapping are totally legal. (

I think this puts us back on track...

Good show. You have done your part.

More sex and less free crackpipe.

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Occhidiangela - 12-22-2005

DeeBye,Dec 22 2005, 01:58 AM Wrote:Good show.  You have done your part.

More sex and less free crackpipe.
Slow news day, eh? :P

1. Wrap it, and while we are on the topic of wrapping, how about we wrap this one up? I am suggesting we lock this thread before it expands like a virulent weed into the fertile ground for rather pointless ruminations and commentary on sensual matters best left to other forums.

Yes, I like dirty jokes, but this goes beyond suggestion . . .


Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Doc - 12-22-2005

Occhidiangela,Dec 22 2005, 09:49 AM Wrote:Slow news day, eh?  :P

1.  Wrap it, and while we are on the topic of wrapping, how about we wrap this one up?  I am suggesting we lock this thread before it expands like a virulent weed into the fertile ground for rather pointless ruminations and commentary on sensual matters best left to other forums.

Yes, I like dirty jokes, but this goes beyond suggestion . . .


I dunno... I think we can behave our selves.

My only intent was to offer up a Christmas Freebie, that, being the responsible adults that we are, could actually use. It's sort of like getting socks for the holidays, only better, because you can look forward to trying this on.

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Count Duckula - 12-22-2005

Doc,Dec 22 2005, 03:18 PM Wrote:My only intent was to offer up a Christmas Freebie, that, being the responsible adults that we are, could actually use. It's sort of like getting socks for the holidays, only better, because you can look forward to trying this on.

Hey, free Trojans are free Trojans! And there ARE eight nights of Hanukkah after all...

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Doc - 12-22-2005

Count Duckula,Dec 22 2005, 10:59 AM Wrote:Hey, free Trojans are free Trojans! And there ARE eight nights of Hanukkah after all...

Ducky, I am proud of you in a way that could only be described as "Fatherly."

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Occhidiangela - 12-22-2005

Count Duckula,Dec 22 2005, 09:59 AM Wrote:Hey, free Trojans are free Trojans! And there ARE eight nights of Hanukkah after all...
You can watch Trojans, using the prevent defense, wrap themselves around Longhorn ball carriers on January 4th, 2006 in the Rose Bowl, either live in Pasadena, CA (if you can get your hands on tickets) or on TV if you can receive ABC broadcasts.

What that has to do with Hannukah I am not sure, so I'll close with a Mick Jagger lyric as an appropriate non sequitur:

"May the good Lord shine a light on you,
Make every song you sing your favorite tune
May the good Lord shine a light on you
Warm like the evening sun"

From the Shine a Light, the Exile On Main Street album
Clicky For More Rolling Stones Tonguey Goodness

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Griselda - 12-22-2005

Doc,Dec 22 2005, 08:18 AM Wrote:I dunno... I think we can behave our selves.

My only intent was to offer up a Christmas Freebie, that, being the responsible adults that we are, could actually use. It's sort of like getting socks for the holidays, only better, because you can look forward to trying this on.

I don't think he was talking about the original post. The question is- where is the thread going from here?

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Doc - 12-22-2005

Griselda,Dec 22 2005, 11:34 AM Wrote:I don't think he was talking about the original post.  The question is- where is the thread going from here?

Well, nobody has spiked the punch bowl, nobody is dancing with a lamp shade on their head, and in general, everybody is behaving themselves. Oh, and nobody is dancing by themselves up top on the table, which is never a good sign at a party.

I don't see anything to worry about.

DEEBYE! GET THE LAMP SHADE OF YOUR HEAD... You are going to get all of us in trouble!

Merry Christmas Gris, and thanks for putting up with all of us, and for being a teacher, er, well, being a moderator here probably isn't much different than keeping a bunch of kids in line.


Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - GenericKen - 12-23-2005

Occhidiangela,Dec 22 2005, 04:09 PM Wrote:You can watch Trojans, using the prevent defense, wrap themselves around Longhorn ball carriers on January 4th, 2006 in the Rose Bowl, either live in Pasadena, CA (if you can get your hands on tickets) or on TV if you can receive ABC broadcasts.


The Trojans don't *have* a prevent defense. They force fumbles and get interceptions to try to get good field position for the offense, but preventing yards and 1st downs? It's not something they do.

It does make the games interesting to watch, though.

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Occhidiangela - 12-23-2005

GenericKen,Dec 23 2005, 01:49 PM Wrote:The Trojans don't *have* a prevent defense. They force fumbles and get interceptions to try to get good field position for the offense, but preventing yards and 1st downs? It's not something they do.

It does make the games interesting to watch, though.

I guess that little bit of word play on a condom's preventive qualities, meant to go with the wrapping around bit, did not match the real USC defensive scheme.

Sorry, I don't watch USC beyond ESPN highlights, so I plead sheer ignorance.

Booo Hiss.


Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - GenericKen - 12-23-2005

Occhidiangela,Dec 23 2005, 08:04 PM Wrote:I guess that little bit of word play on a condom's preventive qualities, meant to go with the wrapping around bit, did not match the real USC defensive scheme.

Sorry, I don't watch USC beyond ESPN highlights, so I plead sheer ignorance.

Booo Hiss.


And you couldn't pun around with "Fumble", "Down", "Sack", "Reciever", "Pocket", or "Scrum"? You have failed the English language, and yourself as a man!

At least, I presume you're a guy. I dunno. Either way I guess it makes sense. Whatevers.

Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Occhidiangela - 12-23-2005

GenericKen,Dec 23 2005, 02:38 PM Wrote:And you couldn't pun around with "Fumble", "Down", "Sack", "Reciever", "Pocket", or "Scrum"? You have failed the English language, and yourself as a man!

At least, I presume you're a guy. I dunno. Either way I guess it makes sense. Whatevers.
Scrum is rugby, sack is not where a condom is wrapped. Pocket . . . didn't scan.

"Fumble" conradicts the successful wrapping. Needed to stay internally consistent.

"Tight end and wide receiver" Completely missed the boat.

Woe is me, my ribaldry license will be revoked! What shall I do, what shall I do? :wacko:

*hangs necktie over garage door support. Climbs on to chair*

"Good bye, cruel world, it's been good knowin' you all!" :(


Click Here To Get Your Christmas Gift. - Doc - 12-23-2005

Occhidiangela,Dec 23 2005, 04:52 PM Wrote:Scrum is rugby, sack is not where a condom is wrapped.  Pocket . . . didn't scan.

"Fumble" conradicts the successful wrapping.  Needed to stay internally consistent.

"Tight end and wide receiver" Completely missed  the boat.

Woe is me, my ribaldry license will be revoked!  What shall I do, what shall I do?  :wacko:

*hangs necktie over garage door support.  Climbs on to chair*

"Good bye, cruel world, it's been good knowin' you all!"  :(


Noooo! Don't do it. That paisley tie will have you forever remembered as a fashion nobody!