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The true ending of an era - Printable Version

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The true ending of an era - Saxywoo - 01-23-2005

I don't know how many of you remember when you would be lying in bed, somewhere between the worlds of dreams and reality, hearing "Heeeeeeeerrre's Johnny!" And then hearing your mother or father laugh, because they had the TV turned up so loud that you could hear it.

Johnny Carson died this morning, 23-JAN-2005. I remember asking my mom if I could stay up to watch Night Court on Friday nights (since there wasn't any school the next day), and I would always want to try staying up so I could hear that one line, quoted above. Now granted, that was Ed McMann saying it, but it was the all-too familiar sound that one heard as people tuned into The Tonight Show, now hosted by Jay Leno.

In my personal opinion, Leno doesn't even hold a candle to Carson's spotlight. It saddens me to hear of his passing.

Thought that I would spread the word.


The true ending of an era - ShadowHM - 01-23-2005

Saxywoo,Jan 23 2005, 03:39 PM Wrote:  It saddens me to hear of his passing.


I am even more saddened by the manner of his passing. He died of emphysema, a fate shared by one of my personal heroes and role models - Peter Gzowski.

The true ending of an era - jahcs - 01-23-2005

Johnny was a great entertainer and I remember setting the VCR to record the show so I could watch the monologue after coming home from school.

And as far as Leno and Carson go, they were both fun to watch. The name of the show and the timeslot are the same but I tend to view them as totally separate shows.