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How to help a friend catch up? - Printable Version

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How to help a friend catch up? - ehertlein - 01-10-2005

So a group of us that play a lot just convinced another friend to play WoW. Most of us are high 20s low 30s. Any ideas on how we can help a new character catch up with us?

How to help a friend catch up? - Xanthix - 01-10-2005

Here are a few ideas. Try them depending on what sounds mutually beneficial.

When your group logs out, do it in the open so you don't get as much rest. But let the friend log out in inns so the rested exp will help them catch up.

Give the friend some gear appropriate with their level so they are not struggling as much, or give them a loan so they can buy their own.

Encourage the friend to not worry about tradeskills yet, and focus on leveling.

Help level the friend directly. If you party with them or help kill mobs it will cut into their exp, but the increased kill rate may make up for it. If not, you can still help them get quest exp faster, or you can follow them around un-partied healing them. :)

How to help a friend catch up? - Cryptic - 01-10-2005

Is the quasi-exploit still in the game where a low-level can tag monsters and a high-level can kill them all with AoE damage?

How to help a friend catch up? - Artega - 01-10-2005

Cryptic,Jan 10 2005, 02:49 PM Wrote:Is the quasi-exploit still in the game where a low-level can tag monsters and a high-level can kill them all with AoE damage?

In a completely unrelated note, the Southshore guards are an excellent source of Mageweave. Simply tag several of them in a raid and let the level 60's do all the work for you. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

How to help a friend catch up? - Concillian - 01-10-2005

I am not 100% sure how party experience works, but if he gets even mediocre exp being partied with a high level character, and you are alliance, there is a place in Loch Modan that has mobs that spawn INSTANTLY (there are always at least two in the particular area).

Most of you know them if you've done the quests in Loch Modan. A mid 20s rogue can handle them indefinitely and kill them FAST (key, because as soon as you kill one, another spawns) it is also a good source of linen, (about 100-120 every 30 minutes for me) so he can get his first aid up at the same time... and tailoring if he's a tailor.

These are lvl 12 or so mobs, so that works up to 14 at least.

I'll head out there if I ever need linen or gold. Linen auctions pretty reliably at 20s per stack on my server, so 1/2 hour of work yields at least one gold (as long as I don't saturate the market) plus vendoring the other stuff those guys drop. Not a good money rate for higher level characters, but pretty good for those in the 20s.

How to help a friend catch up? - Xanthix - 01-10-2005

Cryptic,Jan 10 2005, 12:49 PM Wrote:Is the quasi-exploit still in the game where a low-level can tag monsters and a high-level can kill them all with AoE damage?

If you are fighting a mob and a much higher level PC comes along and kills it, there will be an experience penalty, for exactly this reason. I'm not sure how much the penalty is.

How to help a friend catch up? - ehertlein - 01-12-2005

Thanks for the suggestions! :)

He has made an Undead Mage to party with us and I think we are just going to take the time to help him with quests whever we are on. The quest experience should catch him up fairly quickly.

How to help a friend catch up? - Zippyy - 01-12-2005

ehertlein,Jan 10 2005, 01:41 PM Wrote:So a group of us that play a lot just convinced another friend to play WoW. Most of us are high 20s low 30s. Any ideas on how we can help a new character catch up with us?
Refer to Powerleveling and You. :)

How to help a friend catch up? - ehertlein - 01-13-2005

I have been reading that! :) There is some excellent advice in there. Hopefully they will be able to close the gap fairly quickly.