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Cosmos (mod?) - Magicbag - 09-15-2004

As a newb to WoW, I've noticed this third party app called cosmos:
I think it's a 3rd party UI, that has methods for macros, and database creation.

What is Blizzard's stance on things of this nature....
What is the LL's stance on things of this nature?

Cosmos (mod?) - Omega - 09-15-2004

Blizzard endorses Cosmos. Many people like it, as it certainly extends versatility, but on the other hand, it causes crashing errors and other things of that nature for a lot of people as well.

Cosmos (mod?) - Roane - 09-15-2004

Blizzard has essentially told the mod community, "Do whatever you can figure out how to do. If we don't like it, we'll plug the hole in a future patch."

I use Cosmos and have one error (using the beta) that simply doesn't allow me to switch characters at the character selection screen. I have to log all the way out and back in to select, which isn't a terribly huge deal.

Really, the only things I care madly about as far as the mods that Cosmos adds are the additional second hotbutton bar, and the sidebar. There are some other nice little gadgets, but that one thing is something I have a hard time doing without when playing any caster class. (Too many abilities and I hate swapping toolbars.)

Cosmos (mod?) - --Pete - 09-17-2004


What is Blizzard's stance on things of this nature....

They actually want it done -- straight from the horse's mouth.

What is the LL's stance on things of this nature?

Haven't really debated it, yet. But if history is any guide, they'll probably be completely accepted.

I think it's a 3rd party UI, that has methods for macros, and database creation.

No, it is just some mods of the UI. Blizzard chose to use a public scripting language for the UI so that people could change it to suit their own needs and wants. They have already patched it a couple of times to eliminate things they considered exploits. On the other hand, they've also added things to the UI to make changing it easier.

Get a copy of Cosmos from Thottbot, it makes it easy to change just how much you want to run and to keep everything up to date. Even if you do nothing else, turn on the Thott data collection routines and you can help an effort (learning about a game) that the LL should definitely approve of, since it was that type of effort that gave birth to the Lounge :)


Cosmos (mod?) - FinnanHaddie - 09-17-2004

Pete,Sep 17 2004, 04:23 AM Wrote:But if history is any guide, they'll probably be completely accepted.
If history is any guide, they will not be completely accepted.

-- Fin

Cosmos (mod?) - Bolty - 09-17-2004

FinnanHaddie,Sep 17 2004, 03:31 AM Wrote:If history is any guide, they will not be completely accepted.

-- Fin
Oh, someone please tell me this is a joke. Please?


Cosmos (mod?) - --Pete - 09-17-2004


Actually it is. If he isn't the real FH, then the that's the joke. And if it is, then *he's* a joke. A win/win situation. ;)


Cosmos (mod?) - Thecla - 09-17-2004

I'm guessing it's a joke. ;)

Cosmos (mod?) - JustAGuy - 09-17-2004

Pardon my ignorance, but why is this a joke, and if so, why is it funny (or not)?

Cosmos (mod?) - Omega - 09-17-2004

That's a gimmick, the real FH would never find his way back here.

Cosmos (mod?) - Bolty - 09-17-2004

JustAGuy,Sep 17 2004, 02:55 PM Wrote:Pardon my ignorance, but why is this a joke, and if so, why is it funny (or not)?
Well, if it's not really Finnan, then it's funny. If it is him, then I'd be shocked.

Anyway, it's kind of a long story. Quite a few posters were around for the whole thing, but suffice to say that the reason this site is here is because of Finnan Haddie. So in a weird sense, we have him to thank. :)


Cosmos (mod?) - DeeBye - 09-18-2004

Bolty,Sep 17 2004, 06:39 PM Wrote:Anyway, it's kind of a long story.  Quite a few posters were around for the whole thing, but suffice to say that the reason this site is here is because of Finnan Haddie.  So in a weird sense, we have him to thank.  :)

IIRC, Finnan has a habit of turning up just when you thought he was long gone. At least, I'm pretty sure he kept coming back to the DSF on right up until near the end. He used several different handles, but I'm pretty sure it was him. I wouldn't be completely shocked if this really was Finnan.

One guy I would really like to see turn up again is Armin.