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Bolty Sells Out For Nothing - Quark - 07-01-2004

The god that is Ultima Online has spoken again, there must be nothing remotely competitive with this archaic game.

Ultima X: Odyssey canned

So you said you enjoyed this game in its early stages, Bolty? You're one of the few :(

Bolty Sells Out For Nothing - Brista - 07-01-2004

Well it's one method of cutting down the competition I guess. Second MMO axed in a week with Warhammer ended last week

Bolty Sells Out For Nothing - Thecla - 07-01-2004

Not sure if you're just kidding, but why on earth suggest that Bolty was selling out because he thought the early stages of UOX had promise?

Actually, I always have a pang of regret when I see any computer game cancelled, especially one that's been in development for a while. In general, it seems like they're going the way of unimaginative, money-driven Hollywood commercialization.

Bolty Sells Out For Nothing - Guest - 07-01-2004

I must say that seeing this game getting axed is much more disturbing then others that have been cut recently... I actually saw adds for UOX.

Bolty Sells Out For Nothing - bschultz - 07-01-2004

ha yeah I had just heard. funny stuff.

Bolty Sells Out For Nothing - FenrisWulf - 07-01-2004

Thecla, don't you remember? Ultima X is the game that Bolty was flown out for to participate in a private playtest or something similar, along with TPJ from the AB forums and I'm sure a bunch of other legends of the online gaming world. :) The "selling out" reference was probably just a friendly jab at the event, which Bolty presented in equivalentally self-deprecating tones.

Bolty Sells Out For Nothing - Quark - 07-01-2004

The title of the thread that Bolty talked about UXO in was called "Bolty Sells Out"

Bolty Sells Out For Nothing - Bolty - 07-01-2004

When I think of the staggering waste that is EA and their ridiculously overblown hypefests, it makes me happy that there's still a company out there that does it right.

On a side note, this is exactly why it's stupid to run out and put in thousands of hours of your time creating a huge mega-site for a game long before it goes beta. Heehee. I'm sure someone made money off that, but it's not the content people.*


*Note: I don't pay the content people here anything either! (cracks whip)

Bolty Sells Out For Nothing - Bolty - 07-01-2004

Just had another thought - I should EBay my Ultima X: Odyssey T-shirt that I won in the PvP tournament! It's limited edition, you'd have to admit. :)


Who practically predicted all this would happen a year ago (see the report linked to in post above with discussion of how evil EA is)

Bolty Sells Out For Nothing - Thecla - 07-02-2004

Ok -- glad I got straightened out on that. But if Bolty was going to sell out for nothing, it could at least have been for poor old Sam & Max.

Bolty Sells Out For Nothing - jahcs - 07-02-2004

It's all in the acronym:

UXO -- UneXploded Ordnance.