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Has Anybody Noticed - Doc - 03-13-2004

Sorry... Been awake for a few days. I might be a bit disjointed and flakey. My words might be a touch jumbled and sentences fractured.

I could be wrong...

But has anybody noticed that the Spain Train Attacks happened nine hundred and eleven days after Sept. 11 in the USA. 911 days after 9/11. Coinkidinkie? Or is Doc just froot loopy and badly needing sleep...

Also... Both Kerry and Bush are Skull and Bones. It's all rigged I tell you... Rigged. We are screwed. Can't win. No point voting.

Has Anybody Noticed - DeeBye - 03-13-2004

I think you answered your own question.

Has Anybody Noticed - Vandiablo - 03-13-2004

Maybe I'm wrong, but calendar-wise it's 912 days.

However, with the time diff i guess it's 911.75.

maybe 912 was close enough, and they made it on the 11th of the month anyway. You could argue that it's exactly 2.5 years, or a quarter-decade. All this 911 stuff tho supposes that the people who do these things care about non-islamic calendars.


Has Anybody Noticed - Freepaperclips - 03-13-2004

They forgot the leap year too. :)

Has Anybody Noticed - NiteFox - 03-13-2004

Whee. More paranoia and coincidences to spread across the bread of my psyche like so much conspiracy butter.

... Mmm, butter.

I've developed the philosophy that you're young when you instantly distrust those older than yourself, and old when you instantly distrust those younger than yourself. If you distrust everyone, how screwed up are you? :)

Oh. Vote. If you don't vote, the terrorists win.

Has Anybody Noticed - Archon_Wing - 03-13-2004

A chilling coincidence. However, with terrible things like that, I tend to put aside coincidences like that . On the other hand, if the perputators were to use such sick symbolisms to do stuff like this, I would definitely be fuming over right now.

Yes, there might be a huge conspiracy. But since the conspiracy always seems to be unstoppable except by a one-person army (usually an action-movie like hero able to dodge bullets), I'd rather just deal with the sitatuation as it is (Of course, try to brush aside all the biases that pop up along). I'll still vote and complain regardless.

:( I personally find things like this rather despressing because it is so pointless. The senseless killing of people to justify a cause is something I'll never get.

Has Anybody Noticed - Cybit - 03-13-2004

Dude, that is actually pretty creepy.

Has Anybody Noticed - Lady Vashj - 03-16-2004

NiteFox,Mar 13 2004, 07:48 PM Wrote:Oh.  Vote.  If you don't vote, the terrorists win.
[total and cynical distrust of all politicians] And if you do vote, the terrorists win. [/total and cynical distrust of all politicians]

Has Anybody Noticed - [wcip]Angel - 03-16-2004

Archon_Wing,Mar 13 2004, 08:32 PM Wrote::( I personally find things like this rather despressing because it is so pointless. The senseless killing of people to justify a cause is something I'll never get.
Well worth the listen. It's the last song of Dream Theater's newest album entitled "In the name of God" and related very much to what you just said. Contrary to what one might think when an American band goes out to write a song about religion as an excuse to commit acts of violence; this is *not* directed at 9.11 or muslim fundamentalists.

"Justifying violence
Citing from the Holy Book
Teaching hatred
In the name of God"

The lyrics