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Happy Birthday Griselda ! - Printable Version

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Happy Birthday Griselda ! - TaMeOlta - 03-04-2004

:D Hope you have a Happy One today :D

Happy Birthday Griselda ! - Count Duckula - 03-04-2004

Happy Birthday!

And in two days I can buy you a bottle of champagne. [shameless plug]

Happy Birthday Griselda ! - AtomicKitKat - 03-04-2004

TaMeOlta,Mar 4 2004, 05:03 PM Wrote::D  Hope you have a Happy One today  :D
Heh, I remember I was the first person to wish her that last year. :)

Happy Birthday Griselda ! - Kartoffelsalat - 03-04-2004

[Image: birthday.gif]

Have a good one!

Happy Birthday Griselda ! - Tal - 03-04-2004

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Griselda ! - WarLocke - 03-04-2004

... Now you're one year closer to death. :blink:

Have a happy birthday, Griselda! :D

Happy Birthday Griselda ! - --Pete - 03-04-2004

Have a great day :)


Happy Birthday Griselda ! - TheDragoon - 03-04-2004

Go have a great birthday, Griselda, you've definitely earned it! B)

Happy Birthday Griselda ! - Sailboat - 03-04-2004

/waves to the nice lady Lurker

Happy Bday, Griselda!


Happy Birthday Griselda ! - aaa - 03-04-2004

*pause lurk*
*resume lurk*

Happy Birthday Griselda ! - Occhidiangela - 03-04-2004

Oops, please forgive me
The architect of forums
She calms troubled waters

Happy Birthday Griselda ! - LochnarITB - 03-04-2004

Yeah, like they said - :lol: :lol: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :lol: :lol:

Happy Birthday Griselda ! - [wcip]Angel - 03-04-2004

To quote the greatest comedian of the 21st century, the best of them all: Ricky Gervais

David Brent: "Happy birthday by the way"
Tim: "Thank you"
David Brent: "Which one is it?"
Tim: "It's 30"
David Brent: "The big three oh. That's the worst one, innit?"
Tim: "Mhm"
David Brent: "Ohhh, I know what you're thinkin': 'my youth's over.' Oh, I remember when I was thirty, I was like you goin' 'ooh. I'm in a rubbish job, my life's rubbish, nothing good ever happesn to me, when will it change, but .. you know" (*points at own office and the workers he's in charge of*)
Tim: "mhm"
David Brent: "Things *do* change.
Tim: "mhm"
David Brent: "So it could be worse; there's a neighbour of mine... "Kelvin" (*smirks*). He's 32, and he still lives with his parents (*almost starts laughing*)
Tim: "I live with *my* parents"
David Brent: (*reacts instantaniously*) Cherish 'em ... really. Because you will miss them ... when they're not around. Both.. both of mine are dead."
Tim: "Oh"
David Brent: "So..." Dad isn't *dead*, he's .. in a home. So .. as good as. He was .. uhm .. Oh God.. called out the other night, 3 AM, by the nurses. He was convinced there was a Japanese sniper on the roof of Debenhams

Gareth: "Does that look into his room?"
David Brent: "Yeah the back of the roof looks directly into his room, yeah."
Gareth: "Good spot. That's where I would be if I had to take someone out... that lived there.
David Brent: "And I had to go into the room with him and go "look, dad, there's no Japanese sniper."
Gareth: "So .. so who was it? Who was up there?"
David Brent: "No one was there."
Gareth: "Oh."
David Brent: "It's his imagination. He was just .. there was no one there."
Gareth: "Lucky, that's lucky. 'cause if there was a sniper up there, he wouldn't see him. He'd be like (*turns head*) 'oh, no one's there.' (*turns head and gestures bullet impact in back of skull as well as brain matter flying out of forehead*) Poff poch poftch!"
Tim & David stares in disbelief

David Brent: "Anyway.. He is a vegetable now.. and that's something we all can look forward to. So...(*pats Tim on the back*) happy birthday."


Seriously: It's only £12 pr season at Get The Office now!! :)

And happy birthday, Griselda!

Happy Birthday Griselda ! - Bolty - 03-04-2004

Lurk on, Gris! Another year and still truckin'... :lol:


Happy Birthday Griselda ! - Walkiry - 03-04-2004

I hope she doesn't answer to the thread today...

If that means she's having a good time at a party somewhere ;)

Happy Birthday ^_^

Happy Birthday Griselda ! - Phyloxerra - 03-05-2004


Happy Birthday Griselda. May your Birthday wish come true.


Happy Birthday Griselda ! - Griselda - 03-05-2004

I appreciate all of your kind thoughts. :)


Happy Birthday Griselda ! - Striker - 03-05-2004

May Cthulhu smile upon you. ;)

Happy Birthday Griselda ! - Vandiablo - 03-05-2004

.... and may you have less troubles and more joys (yes, with an "s") in the coming year(s)


Happy Birthday Griselda ! - Griselda - 03-05-2004

Thanks for the reminder- it's time for a new Cthulhu! Christmas Cthulhu is rather unseasonable at the moment, and, since it's my brithday and all, I think Vacation Cthulhu is more appropriate.
