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Problems with the -skiptobnet flag - Printable Version

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Problems with the -skiptobnet flag - Kevin - 01-18-2004

Anyone else experienced this?

Appearent Bug: When you have the -skiptobnet flag set on Diablo2 you get disconnected from the current game and dumped back to the lobby whenever you do something that would normally launch a video. This is mostly just completing an Act for the first time, including going through the red portal after defeating Baal and talking with Tyreal.

This is realms only, if I play a TCP/IP or single player game with this flag in effect I don't seem to have this problem. Note I don't get disconnected from the realms just dropped from the game back to the lobby. I can change acts just fine via WP and NPCs if it isn't a video launch condition.

I'm going to try and test this some more today with the help of a friend to do some rushing for me since I don't have a char ready to switchs acts anytime soon on their own, but I want to make sure that this isn't happening if I don't use the -skiptobnet flag. That would be a bummer for me since I quite enjoy having that there, but I can live without it.

Problems with the -skiptobnet flag - Nadreck - 01-18-2004

I have -skiptobnet and don't experience that problem.

Problems with the -skiptobnet flag - ShadowHM - 01-18-2004

Nadreck,Jan 18 2004, 04:02 PM Wrote:I have -skiptobnet and don't experience that problem.
I put in place when I saw the thread about it here and have experienced no such problems either.

Problems with the -skiptobnet flag - Kevin - 01-19-2004

Hmmmm. It's something else with my set-up. I removed the skiptobnet and still dropped when it tried to pull in a video.

Note: I can watch the videos just fine, and I tried just clicking through them and watching them all the way through.

I get dropped as soon as the videos load according to the other players in the game (in this case my wife sitting a few feet away). After the video sequence (or the skipping) completes on my system I show the door the red light comes out, and then I am back in the lobby. Of course according to the other players I have been dropped for however long already.


I do use Daemon Tools and an image of the CD (I own 3 copies of D2 and 2 of LoD this isn't hacked stuff, I drop CD images of pretty much everything I play, it is much simpler for me) and I have been doing this for oh, 3 years now. I have not had this problem before, and I didn't have this problem when 1.10 first came out.

It wasn't after the last video driver updates (I have a GF4 Ti4200), that was back in mid December and it worked fine without the flag then. It only started after I put the flag in there, and taking it out doesn't fix it.

Hmmmmm. I'll have to poke some more.

Problems with the -skiptobnet flag - Siluro - 01-26-2004

Do you play with the -ns (no sound) switch? I believe that causes this very behaviour.

Edit: Possibly having no sound device installed would also bring about this effect.

Problems with the -skiptobnet flag - Kevin - 01-26-2004

Nope, I play with sound. Sound is what I used to identify what item just dropped. -skiptobnet is the only flag that I currently use.

The problem isn't all the time now either, last night I went from Act 4 to 5 without any problems. So it isn't the flag that is the problem, that was just the one thing I remembered changing when the problem started so I decided to investigate it.

It isn't a huge deal, just an annoyance (though moreso now that I know about 'training' shadows) and I wanted to investigate the coincidence of it happening.

For various reaons I am most likely going to have to re-install my system soon anyway, so that will hopefully make it a moot point. :)

Problems with the -skiptobnet flag - GentlemanLoser - 02-03-2004

Hi guys;
I play with -skiptobnet and -ns and have found that I get dropped when a character travels to a new act for the first time. Haven't been able to see this past normal, as I've not got a realm character that's completed NM act 1 yet, but it happened for all 5 acts in Normal.

Thanks for the heads up about -ns, i'll take that off and see what happens.

Problems with the -skiptobnet flag - Obi2Kenobi - 02-04-2004

I use -skiptobnet and that's it, and I do not get this.

Problems with the -skiptobnet flag - Wyrm - 02-04-2004

I had this problem when I was using the game in Win2k, since I switched my OS to XP Pro it's become stable again.

As a quick/temp fix you can delete the d2movie.mpq file from your hd and it won't kick you out except when you first get to Act 5 since that movie's packed ino the d2exp.mpq file. (sorry if I got the mpq file names wrong)

Problems with the -skiptobnet flag - JustAGuy - 02-05-2004

-ns you say, hmm? That's one flag I didn't know about.

My second computer keeps crashing (ACCESS_VIOLATION Unhandled Exception) when it tries to play an end of act video. I thought it was the fault of the video drivers, but I indeed do not have a sound card in it. This could be the solution!

Problems with the -skiptobnet flag - Nastie_Bowie - 02-05-2004

Gnollguy,Jan 19 2004, 09:35 AM Wrote:It wasn't after the last video driver updates (I have a GF4 Ti4200), that was back in mid December and it worked fine without the flag then.  It only started after I put the flag in there, and taking it out doesn't fix it.

Hmmmmm.  I'll have to poke some more.
Hmm. Interesting.

I have the same vid card using Win 2K. I too, dl'd the drivers in late December. I ended up doing C:\format last saturday, because of complications with Diablo LoD that began after the update.

After re-install, all is wonderful, new drivers and all.

btw, did you get drivers from MicroSoft or nVidia?

NB :rolleyes:

Problems with the -skiptobnet flag - Kevin - 02-06-2004

NVidia, always from the manufacturer, never from MS. :)

I work PC support at the university, and I ran my own PC repair business for awhile, so I'm fully aware of many of the issues.

I just don't have a lot of time to mess with my own system anymore. :) I like to relax on my own machine, not fight it. :) It was never a big deal, I only posted because I couldn't see any other factor than adding the flag that could have caused it. As I said earlier, it hasn't been a problem lately either.