Lurking in the sewers no Longer

It's been a few months since I have even used a computer outside of work.

Bad breakup, changing school, a geographical move, and computer issues had all conspired to not only force me to stop playing WoW, but also to cut back on my computer use greatly.

On the bright side, I have a brand new laptop (its killer), a good job (not making me rich but plenty for now) and will be finally taking my last few semesters of school this summer and fall. And of course no significant other. But, without resorting to offending all women, I am probably much better off without. :)


So, I picked up Oblivion a week or so ago and am having a blast. I'm also waiting for Hellgate: Londo which IMO will be my next obsession but that is far off the future.

I have this urge to play WoW again. New content, much of which I have missed, is a strong allure but mainly I want to see how the servers / communities have matured.

I have a 4x warlock on Tichondrius (if it still exists) who I loved and would probably like to play with since he was my highest character.

So my questions....

Where are most of the lurkers playing these days?

Do we have a good turnout on Tichondrius or should I consider moving to Stormrage or another server?

What's the general state of the game right now... meaning, will I be able to find people to play catch-up with?

Anything else that could catch me up over the last 4-5 months is muchly appreciated.

It's been a lot of fun catching up with the forums here and I'm glad to see a lot of friendly and familiar faces around still.

Again, Hi everyone.



Messages In This Thread
Lurking in the sewers no Longer - by smithy - 04-13-2006, 08:23 PM
Lurking in the sewers no Longer - by MongoJerry - 04-13-2006, 08:44 PM
Lurking in the sewers no Longer - by smithy - 04-14-2006, 01:21 AM
Lurking in the sewers no Longer - by MongoJerry - 04-14-2006, 03:11 AM
Lurking in the sewers no Longer - by Arnath - 04-15-2006, 10:42 AM

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