New world of Internet Expression. Oh, and Halo.
I've been noticing something kind of weird lately, with conversations with friends and such. The word "lol" has lost all original meaning, or so I think. It's often used in many of my AIM expressions when I'm just smirking, not truly laughing. This isn't weird, or so I thought...

Lately, talking to my classmates, I've noticed that some Internet lingo we speak online is actually coming into my grammer. It was just the other day my friend and I were talking about Legendary Settings in Halo, and we both remarked on something that was very funny. In unison, we said "lol" (much like the word "loll"), and then without realizing it, continued on. Then spawned "teh suck", "o.O" (oh-oh), and I'm wondering...

Is this normal? ^^

Does anyone have any other funny experiences to share about this topic? Suggestions, maybe? =P

Oh, secondary topic of this post. Is it freaking possible to beat Halo on Legendary without cooperative? I'm talking mainly about entrenched Elite positions, aka many parts of Attack on the Control Room and Keyes.

My brother and I managed to spend about (let's say alot of time) and defeat Legendary on all settings. I usually get a score of about 95-70 on 12 player FFAs, so I'm no slouch at this game. However, I think some improvments need to be made to the game in order to have a difficulty like this, namely, faster run speed.
In Hoc Signio Vinces.

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New world of Internet Expression. Oh, and Halo. - by Xbizkitl - 06-05-2003, 09:12 PM

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