Consumers are too stupid to make good choices
Quote:Addendum from Magi (who *is* a Certified Energy Manager). Compact fluorescents work well in open fixtures, fixtures designed for them, and in places where there is sufficient cooling. For these applications, they are a good deal. Also, the bulbs are getting better on all fronts, including heat toleration and longevity.

I wish there was more honest info like this going around in general, because I'm kind of sick of hearing that CFL is the greatest thing since fried gold. I use CFLs where applicable, and granted every new generation of bulbs is getting better and better. However for certain application I still use 100w incandescent. Not out of hidebound tradition, simply because of the brightness and colour spectrum it offers. For some other application, I use both CFL and incandescent.

But for me at least, LEDs and solid state lighting is the future. And it looks like there are exciting developments happening.

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Consumers are too stupid to make good choices - by Hammerskjold - 03-31-2008, 11:37 PM

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