Consumers are too stupid to make good choices
Quote:While in theory I agree, practically speaking I will most likely, have to pay that tax as well.
I doubt the guy behind the counter will ask Kandrathe if he will burn that gas in a firepit, because if he does he will have to charge him an extra cost for environmental damage, on top of the associated cost with other environmental damage that comes from just using it in a vehicle. (The urge to add another tax is simply too tempting for most government IMO.)

And if they do ask him what he's going to do with that gas, with government approval even, then to me we're getting into the cure is worse than the disease zone.

Maybe I'm a pessimist in this regard. I'm more inclined to believe an addition of a 'firepit' tax vs. using money from an existing environmental damage tax. Even if we are speaking hypothetically.
Yes, Jester is right. I'm actually a conservationist in practice. I love nature. I'm a primitive camper / backpacker. I make it a point to buy and plant about 50 to 200 trees every year just because it helps the environment. However, I love liberty as well (maybe more). Regulating energy efficiency in products (cars, light bulbs, refrigerators) is case where government has infringed on the market to decide for itself what makes sense. Congress is doing the thinking for us. Next thing you know we'll be watering the fields with gatorade, because its got the stuff plants crave.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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Consumers are too stupid to make good choices - by kandrathe - 04-03-2008, 10:16 PM

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