Consumers are too stupid to make good choices
Quote:An energy grid is not comparable to the atmosphere or the water supply. The relevant point, especially for a libertarian, is that these are common resources that cannot be meaningfully enclosed into private property. This is not true of the energy supply.

And yes, once one acknowledges our interconnected reality, then some form of world governance that regulates consumption in some ways is a necessity for continued survival. Regulation here, even from the standpoint of liberty, is no more unreasonable than a police force to prevent crime.

For energy, I meant it in the sense of non-renewable consumption. You could argue that the wasteful consumption deprives it (eventually) from those who use it wisely, or from future generations. So while the grid is regulated by the government, it generally acts like a private company. However, the coal which fuels the majority of the electricity is a non-renewable resource. By the way, I do agree that curbing air pollution and water pollution would be appropriate uses of government regulation when done fairly (globally). I support rain forest preservation, and I probably also would have advocated preservation of old growth forest in the USA in the mid to late 1800's when most the the US virgin timber was clear cut. I pine (:P) for the days when products were distributed in reusable containers, rather than all the excess packaging and waste we have now.

But, to be fair, I think that government at times wields regulations awkwardly as weapons resulting in destroying entire industries. Mining was all but shut down here until the Chinese got involved to buy into revitalizing the taconite plants to ship ore to Chinese steel mills. It is clear to me that since the 70's there has been a dramatic impact from domestic environmental regulatory policies on US international competitiveness. I love clean air and water, but I find we seem to be the only team playing by the strict rules.

I'm not sure I track on the police. I see the police force as an optional government service usually served from the local level. If people choose not to fund their local police to a great extent they are free to do that. In my State, the only State level law enforcement is the highway patrol, DNR officers, some vice and gambling enforcement units and the investigative units of the BCA.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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Consumers are too stupid to make good choices - by kandrathe - 04-14-2008, 04:49 AM

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