Friendly Warning for WinXP and ZoneAlarm users
So I'm not done trying solutions, but the MS update KB951748 which is fixing a potential DNS exploit changes a lot of networking files and breaks ZoneAlarm. You can work around this by setting ZA to medium settings for the Internet but from the 5 minutes of research I've done I've not seen another solution that is sure to work and keep ZA operational. Even a clean removal and reinstall of ZA doesn't seem to fix it.

I'm going to be poking some more at this issue to see what else I might find, but you might either want to hold off on the windows update (the exploit is old so I'm not sure waiting another day or two for ZA or MS to get something else out there is critical for most folks) or be prepared to play with ZA settings.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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Friendly Warning for WinXP and ZoneAlarm users - by Kevin - 07-09-2008, 12:18 AM

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