Is the US headed towards a socialist government?
Yes, I know that 'you', kandrathe, do. Part of the reason why I respect you. And thank you.

But I was addressing a larger 'you'. Those that think 'freedom' is the right to believe as they do. To act like they do. Those that do not, cannot, see why the symbols of their belief on my money, on my patriotism, on my justice, on my place of gathering is distressing to me.


I'm with you on that one. Nothing to add, but people miss this point so often that I had to stick my nose in and post me too just like a braindead AoLer (Thanks Weird Al). It has nothing to do with how I feel about religion. I'm not even fully consistent in my views (well I think I am but most others don't). I'm actually fine with Christmas plays in public schools. I'm also fine with with stuff for Jewish holidays, Muslim holidays, pagan holidays, etc. But I'm not for God in the pledge of allegiance or on my currency or in my court rooms. I'm not against the moral codes of most religions either (though that is a trickier subject). Fair voluntary representation I'm good with is what it boils down too. But as mentioned so many people don't even see how we are swimming in religion, sponsored by the state.

Ah well I'll butt back out now. I don't have the energy to bother to keep my thoughts coherent enough to contribute and most of what I would say has been said (like with this post) but as mentioned this is just one of those things I had to chime in on.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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Is the US headed towards a socialist government? - by Kevin - 03-05-2009, 03:51 AM

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