Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
JK Rowling and Robert Jordan both have JR as their initials, one forwards and one backwards? Coincidence, even given that in Jordan's case it is a nom de plume? Methinks not, as they both suffer from the same malady: editors who haven't the sack to make them tighten up their prose. ~600~ pages would have sufficed, JK, you are killing trees needlessly with your verbosity. More words dont add clarity, the right words, and fewer of them, guarantee clarity. 800+ pages after starting, I have come to the conclusion that "More is better" is more than a tired old Iggy Pop lyric, it is a statement of principle by publishers. Death to the trees!

Rogue Rating Service awards Harry Potter, part cinc, two and a half pints of Westmarch Bitters out of a possible five: Ogden, please pour the half pint on Ms Rowling's head, and pour the two full ones all over her editor. While Gillian cleans up the mess, get me a Kingsport Red, I need to wash a few adjectives out of my brain.

Minor Spoilage

On the bright side:

The significance of Harry's Scar is revealed.

Harry has to deal with the problem of being a 14 year old boy and how 'girls' figure into that condition. While cliche, it fits the established story line.

Fred and George add some badly needed light moments

Neville Longbottom finally shows why he in the story at all. Ginny Weasley becomes more than 'Ron's little sister.'

Assault on the contemporary problem (US and UK, I presume) regarding interference of government "know nothings" with serious education. Heavy handed, but it resonates.

One gets a firm sense that there won't be any more than seven books.

Death Eaters show up to battle the good guys! Aurors show up to fight Death Eaters. Yay, Battle!

Dumbledore stacks a few arses before he is done, and shows a flash or two of why Voldemort feared/fears him.

No smut, thank goodness, given that at 14, hormones tend to be all the rage.

Rowling takes the piss out of the media, again.

Down Side:

Dobby the house elf makes a re-appearance.

Rita Skeeter shows up.

Adverb and adjective overload, this book is nearly impossible to read aloud without now and again screaming "Chrikey, woman, learn how to write!" The kids are enjoying it anyway, thanks to a few ad libs now and again . . . did I say that? :o

Jordanesque detail on trivial nonsense abounds. Doxey's are added for zero value other than to have magical pests. The point being . . . what?

Everyone seems to be pissed off at some point or other, a change in tone that either is an attempt to put more depth into characters or a sign that Rowling is running out of ideas. Not sure, but the use of all CAPS for the shouting screams at me: this is a book, not the internet!

A few favorite characters take it on the chin, to a greater or lesser degree. Maybe that should be "Bright Side." Hmmmmmmmmm.

Deus ex machina anyone?

Reference made to Ministry of Magic dealing with Muggle Prime Minister. Uh, that violates entire plot premise of "we are trying not to be seen!"

Overly stupid antagonists.

Christmas in the land of Wizards. Sorry, that dog won't hunt.

Overly long, and redundant, explanation and exposition at the end. *Sigh*

Not enough dead bodies lying about after the magical battles take place. Those wands are deadly weapons, they are!

Hermione and Ron can't get out of their rut, and Ron apparently has no testosterone, even at age 14.

Not enough Quidditch. :P

When all is said and done, and all carping aside, I am glad I read it, since I will be talking it over with my two young'ns and am bound to read quite a bit of it aloud, as we did with the other four books. (We now all take turns, rather than me doing all of the reading.)

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix will also make a great doorstop, leaf presser, and photo protector, so at least it is a multi use book.

If you like the series, it's worth a look, if you have not read any of the others, don't start with this one unless you want to be convinced not to read any of the others!
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - by Occhidiangela - 06-28-2003, 05:39 PM

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