Brainwashing Propaganda, or Morality Lesson?
Quote:The point I was making is that President Obama gets a level of press pampering that GWII never received.
Quote:And... It's been 200 days and we are still in Iraq, escalating the war in Afghanistan, and contemplating bombing camps in Iran. Where are the fricken anti-war protesters now? Where is the daily death count (dun dun da)?
Weren't conservatives saying that a quick withdrawal, what they called "cut and run", would destroy any positive influence that has been made? True enough. But please don't try to have it both ways. It's very unbecoming. Very aholish, in fact.

Quote:Where is the list of campaign promises kept / broken? Oh, that's right, he can't get anything done because of the aholes.
Weren't conservatives complaining about how quickly he put out several Executive Orders in the first couple weeks? Congress is designed to take longer, and it is. "He hasn't done anything" vs. "he's trying to shove stuff through". Both ways again.

Quote:But, we've appointed a couple dozen Tsar's to rule over us without congressional vetting or oversight.
I've heard some other whining about "all these czars make us sound so socialist!" Heh -- well who killed the Czar and his family? But here in <strike>Amerika</strike> America, the first czar was the "energy czar", appointed by ... (drum roll) ... Richard Nixon.

Quote:Unemployment is still crazy because its Bush's fault.
Well, Bush wasn't hysterical, but I'd lump him in the crazy pile. (You can't serve an evil master for eight years without some negative effects.)

But yes, unemployment has many factors, and many of them had nothing to do with Bush. I'd go more with Gingrich tops, Reagan next, and shortsighted corporations and shoppers third.

Certainly it's Bush more than Obama, at least here at the 225 day mark.

Quote: Biden has the gall to get on the tube and declare that the trajectory has turned around,
He must have read the Wall Street Journal, which I've heard today (yesterday?) printed that the stimulus is working.

Of course, I'm sure the WSJ is too liberal for you to consider it a credible source.

Quote:and the TRILLION dollar stimulus package a success. When do we swallow the $4 trillion dollar budget wake up call? Bah. Who is holding THESE clowns accountable?
Yes, but even many conservatives said that spending that money was more prudent than having another depression.

(That's another "both ways" BTW, since inaction would have drawn the "weak" criticism. Also, the various stimuli were started during the Bush Admin.)

Maybe we could ask China to forgive our debt. All they could do is say no, right? And take all our stuff, and our land, and our political offices that seem to be for sale most of the time...


(edit: Forgot an apostrophe, which sometimes is the Crux of the Biscuit.)

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Brainwashing Propaganda, or Morality Lesson? - by Vandiablo - 09-04-2009, 05:19 AM

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