Brainwashing Propaganda, or Morality Lesson?
Laura Bush weighs in!

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Quote:The typically reserved former first lady defended Obama's decision to deliver a back-to-school speech to students, putting her at odds with many conservatives afraid that the president will use the opportunity to advance his political agenda.

"I think he is [doing a good job]," Bush said when asked to assess Obama's job performance. "I think he has got a lot on his plate, and he has tackled a lot to start with, and that has probably made it more difficult."
and later in the same

Quote:"I think there is a place for the president ... to talk to schoolchildren and encourage" them, she said. Parents should follow his example and "encourage their own children to stay in school and to study hard and to try to achieve the dream that they have."
Thaaaank you, Laura. Well, we'd best be going now...
Quote:After her husband's eight controversial years in the White House, what does Bush have to say to critics who believe he had a negative, destructive influence in the world?

"I would say that that's absolutely not right," Bush said.
Oh, dear. We didn't stop soon enough...

...never mind...

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Brainwashing Propaganda, or Morality Lesson? - by Vandiablo - 09-08-2009, 01:27 AM

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