There is only one goddess Gaia and Al Gore is her only prophet...

Quote: . . . he again has bungled his basic facts suggesting that the Earth's core is several million degrees, . . .
Admittedly, a mistake. He's a politician, not a scientist. I doubt that he really understands what he speaks of, but that's OK since he is the spokesman for Green, not a scientist doing research. You don't need to understand thermodynamics to be a driver training instructor.

Quote: . . . and that you need to drill a couple of kilometers into the earth (or so) to get to the energy.
And that is indeed a fact. You can get a little bit (relative to overall needs) at naturally occurring hot spots. To get it elsewhere, you need deep drilling.

Quote:I don't know how this guy has any credibility to anyone serious about science, or facts, or truth for that matter.
Yeah, yeah. He's a POS because he is a liberal. Nothing to do with your bias.

Why does he have credibility? Because most of his facts are right. Because he is one of the few in public life that actually gives a damn about the future of this planet and of the human race. And that, compared to most conservatives (and, I'm beginning to think, libertarians), he is the epitome of truth.


Shouldn't that be "There is no goddess but Gaea and Gore is her only prophet." That is, if it is your intention to mock Gore by mocking Islam.

How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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There is only one goddess Gaia and Al Gore is her only prophet... - by --Pete - 11-22-2009, 06:52 AM

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