There is only one goddess Gaia and Al Gore is her only prophet...
Quote:If you're drawing a distinction there, then this is new, because you sure didn't draw it before. You just waltzed straight from the thread title to Islamist fanatics to environmentalists that want to drag us back to the stone age. Gore to stone age in three easy steps. If you feel that's putting words in your mouth, then maybe you might want to curb your enthusiasm for colourful exaggeration.
I don't mind the risk of being made fun of by you. I think if you read what I wrote, rather than the words you attribute to me, you will see that I've separated Gore from the fanatics. I don't suffer the delusion that you might of seeing Gore as a true believer. From his life style it is obvious to anyone with half a brain that this guy is no environmentalist. He burns as much carbon in a day as you or I do in a month.
Quote:Right. Which is why he's been advocating for environmentalism for *thirty years*, and investing in green technology for *five*. How does this argument never stick? I repeat it every time this canard comes up - the timeline is off by decades.
He doesn't walk his talk, so I think he is BS. You also conveniently ignore any reality check on the purpose of his advocacy, which perhaps is politically motivated, and perhaps lately has become more financially motivated. Perhaps he deludes himself into believing his own BS, but he certainly has fed high on the hog at the expense of taxpayers for most of his life.
Quote:Al Gore did not mastermind a diabolical plot beginning in the seventies to enrich himself thirty years later. Nor has he managed to somehow snooker the scientific community into backing his elaborate, Blofeldesque plan for personal enrichment for all that time. Al Gore has been an environmentalist his whole public life, and now that he's no longer in office, he's devoted himself to doing what he thinks is important. A green future means either poverty or technology - why on earth shouldn't he invest in technology? He's not in office. He's a private citizen, doing what he thinks is right - the same things he thought long before he had any financial interest.
You sound like his apologist. The culmination of his entire political career was Kyoto, which his buddy Bill Clinton refused to sign.
Quote:Afterthought: Obtuse is not the same as sarcastic. I'm making fun of you, I'm not deliberately misunderstanding your point.
Deliberate or not, you are seemingly not grasping the nuance of the argument, and attempt to write blanket statements wrongly characterizing what I've said. This might be an effective debate technique that you've learned, but I think it is you who are exaggerating my words (e.g. "Al Gore did not mastermind a diabolical plot beginning..."). How dramatic. No, I think he's exactly like many other politicians who see the government as a way to personally enrich themselves.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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There is only one goddess Gaia and Al Gore is her only prophet... - by kandrathe - 11-23-2009, 05:27 PM

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