There is only one goddess Gaia and Al Gore is her only prophet...

Quote:You can destroy the earth with a billion people.....true it goes faster with 7 billion, but in both scenarios you can try to do something about it.
Bad logic. True, one person with a large nuclear arsenal can destroy the world. The point, though, is saving the world. You *can* save the world of one billion. You *might be* able to save the world of six billion. Good luck with, say, twenty. It's like treating a person who is sick. They may have symptoms like nausea, headache, etc. You can treat each of the symptoms with some specific medication or other. And treating the symptoms is a worthwhile task, in that it improves the patient's condition. But if the underlying problem is an infection, none of those medications address the real problem. And, as far as the world is concerned, population is the real problem, everything else is a symptom.

Quote:Well if you have problems with that find an extra job instead of playing video games 6 hours per day and surfing the web 3 hours per day.
This was really necessary? Because you know so much of his habits and life that you are entitled to insult him?

Excuse me, I need to go wash off the stink of the sewer. :angry:


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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There is only one goddess Gaia and Al Gore is her only prophet... - by --Pete - 11-23-2009, 05:39 PM

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