Borderlands: Diablo with guns?

I have been happily playing Borderlands since it came out. (It is all WarBlade's fault. :whistling: He got me started. And he is far ahead of me in game play too.)

I knew it would be a stretch for me, because I had not played a FPS before. Additionally, I had not played a game where the foe was human. I am quite surprised at how much pleasure there is in shooting bandits in the head. :blush:

As noted by vor_lord, the world is static, in the sense that the map is always the same for each area. There are enough maps that I still don't know my way around all of them and still get lost at times. (Some things will never change, eh?) The world is dessicated although there are snowy places later, in the mountains.

The opposition includes some animals (skags, rakks, crab worms, spiderants) and some aliens (guardians) but mainly human bandits. Each comes in several varieties with varying defences and damage output.

I like the coop in the game. I like the balance between differing builds. I like how the game difficulty ramps up with additional players in the game.

I also like how the foes clvl ramps up in a decent progression. If you follow all the side quests, you stay at or slightly ahead of the foe. And, after the second pass-through of the game, the third pass through has ALL the foes at clvl 50, so you can skip quests in pass-through two, and do them with more challenge in the third pass. :)

Check the threads at the Realms Beyond forum for a lot more in the line of comments.

P.S. The in-game VOIP is pitiful. Disable it and use TeamSpeak or another VOIP instead.

P.P.S. The in-game achievements are fun too. I have been working on getting up to the five-seconds of air time in a car achievement. So far: 3.2 seconds is the best I have managed. :rolleyes: I have got to the 'School Bus Driver' achievement for running over the foes with my car. :w00t:
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake


Messages In This Thread
Borderlands: Diablo with guns? - by vor_lord - 01-18-2010, 03:37 AM
Borderlands: Diablo with guns? - by ShadowHM - 01-18-2010, 05:56 PM

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