Female Terrorist, Explosive Breast Implants?

Quote:But would you be satisified with destroying your current self and another copy would exist as you... or should the question be your new teleported self feel no remorse about chopping down old bonds with grandpa's axe to sail forth on the ship of theseus somewhere else?
Gee, I've got someone else's marrow in my bones and his blood in my veins. Four titanium joints. Plastic lenses, not 'on' but 'in' my eyes. And a few other after-market modifications. I'm 10% toward becoming Darth Vader. Do you really think a little thing like being turned into information, smeared across the universe, and then reconstituted somewhere else is going to bother me? :w00t:

Heck, the new version might even be better than the original. As long as I think I'm me, that's good enough for me.

Been watching Caprica? :whistling:


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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Female Terrorist, Explosive Breast Implants? - by --Pete - 04-07-2010, 01:40 AM

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