Cataclysm NDA Lifted! Beta Begins! Exclamation points abused!
I guess I don't see it as a 'easy' reset if the guys in 277 gear, and the guys in 187 blues are both replacing their gear in the first zone.

Your first zones are either going to be steamrolls for both of them, where you 1 shot the mobs and get insane gear to roll the rest of that zone, so that you can move to the next zone and not die (because these mobs will be beefy), or the guy in 277 gear is going to roll the zone, and get OP gear, while the guy in 187 blues (which are better than northrend questing gear) is crying because he is being eaten alive by the mobs while trying to get the OP gear so that he doesn't die and is on equal footing with the guy in 277's who is experiencing the TBC reset in an even more hardcore fashion.

Because of the gear differential a hard reset like this is going to be more punitive on the people who are leveling up in leveling gear than the people who are in raid gear, or there will be no challenge at for either of them.

The gear that they show up in is just too different.

I'm not saying that I want to raid in my t10, or even ding 85 in it. But I don't think that you should be replacing your ICC/RS gear with req78 blues from dungeons and quest rewards either.

Theoretically, if the tank gear is that big of a reset, you will find that later on, new tanks leveling up are going to get beaten down when they get to the second 'level' of dungeons on their way up, because they are tanking in northrend gear because the other pieces didn't drop.

I have to think that overall the numbers that we are seeing in the beta are going to get severely toned down, or the 4.0 restatting of everything is going to be massive.
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RE: Cataclysm NDA Lifted! Beta Begins! Exclamation points abused! - by shoju - 07-01-2010, 07:07 PM

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