I'm confused about the American Republican party
(02-13-2012, 07:02 AM)kandrathe Wrote:
Lissa Wrote:Second, it is descrimination against those that choose to either wait on having children (those that are married, but want to wait until their careers are better established before going forward with having children) or those that do not want children, but do not want to obstain. You cannot hold one group of people's sexual activity hostage while providing for others. Likewise, birth control goes beyond just the woman, men have options as well, and holding back on those that want to be responsible about the bringing of children into the world should not be told to obstain because they don't want children (yet).
But, yes, actually they can hold people hostage to their beliefs. You have both the "establishment clause", and the "free exercise" clause. If you don't like it, then you need to not work for the Catholics, or the other religious organizations that would deny their employees this "health care". It's not like they are forcing their anti-birth-control beliefs down everyones throat. Quite the contrary, it's the government which is forcing them to go against their beliefs.

And with that, we're right back to discrimination. Sorry, but a religon does not have the right to say what someone can and cannot do in the US. First Ammendment goes both ways, while the US government cannot state that one religon is the religon of the entirity of the US government, religons cannot also tell people what they can and cannot do because they have no power over the people of the US because of the first ammendment.
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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by Lissa - 02-13-2012, 10:55 PM

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