I'm confused about the American Republican party
(03-21-2012, 03:34 PM)eppie Wrote: So this was the only bit out of that wall of text that was useful to me and could be seen as a logical continuation of this part of the thread.
~ 27 sentences doesn't seem to be much of a wall of text.

You did say "If you have a good reason to believe this poll is enormous[ly] bogus, please tell us this." and "So did the results surprise you a lot? And is that the reason why you think this poll is wrong?"

In summary for the ADD challenged: I don't think the poll it is outright wrong, as much as I think it is deceptive in its limited breath of demography and narrowness of its selectivity. That is what I explained, and "why" playing the racism card on these Republicans is wrong according to my personal experiences.

Race relations and politics is different in the Southern US. It's not as simple as racism, and racial intermarriage is more or less acceptable regionally depending where you are in the world. Why should the Southern US be any different than a poll of Turks in France? Your specific geography in the Netherlands has resulted in more of a "melting pot" attitude towards people and cultures. It isn't that way everywhere. With the shrinking of travel times, Mississippi and Alabama are not the forgotten out of the way place they were 60 years ago. Even here in the great white north, my mother was told by her mother to avoid Norwegians and Germans, so you can imagine how upset she was with my German/Danish/Norwegian wife. But, the trail had been blazed. My older sister married an Irish Catholic. It was about 50 years ago (especially) in Mississippi, and Alabama where black people had to ride in the back of the bus, and were denied access to the same public amenities given to white folks. Now, they work together, ride the bus together, and share public spaces together in harmony. It might take awhile longer for them to be as cosmopolitan as your average European. You can force people to live together peacefully, but that doesn't mean you can change their minds. Only they can do that by letting them get to know each other better.

Summary of the wall of text (paragraph) above for eppie: It takes time for people to change.

Quote:See for yourself.
Well I did, which I why I told you to look into it. Don't stop there. Wikipedia isn't the be all, end all research tool. It is easy to be deceptive with polls, charts, and statistics if you try. It's often not in what they say, but in what they don't say.

”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by kandrathe - 03-21-2012, 08:19 PM

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