I'm confused about the American Republican party
(03-27-2012, 10:30 PM)Taem Wrote:
(03-24-2012, 06:26 AM)FireIceTalon Wrote:
Quote:Now there is no party for me in America and I just want them all to shut up and leave women alone. It's one thing to be the party that loves Wall Street. It's another thing all together to be the party that dictates to women how they will manage their reproductive rights and health.

All said. Bye Bye. Wink

I feel you. Its bad enough that they are the former, but they are both of these things and a lot more, it's quite scary. But as far as Wall Street goes, both parties love Wall Street now. The working class never really did have anyone to represent them, but things have become much worse. As a full blown Proletarian Communist scumbag (i have no problem labeling myself as such), I view the Democratic Party of today as being only slightly to the left of the "old" Republican Party. This new wave of conservatives are downright Fascist from my perspective, and if you ask me, all of them should be hung by their entrails French Revolution style. Both parties are quite reactionary, just that one is more so than the other. I was talking to one of my classmates the other day, he is very leftist/progressive, not quite a Marxist though. But even he says all this austerity and race to the bottom towards political and economic dystopia is enough to make someone become one, heh. Pretty soon, elections will look more like Wal-Mart vs Opec. I think as things get progressively worse, people will start to realize more and more that Marx was very spot on about Capitalism. It just disturbs and frustrates me that it will take rock bottom for most people to understand this.

You do realize that issues come and go in waves, the ebb and flow of all things. Back when Abraham Lincoln was president, he abolished slavery, but he was a Republican and this had a great negative effect on the working class. Actually, back then, some party views were flipped compared to how they are now. Times change - parties adopt policies that propel their agenda, regardless of age. You see this a lot with religious studies and the political motives behind many "god" inspired decisions. YOU, Fire, trying to make out one party sound bad or worse than another (even your own) is ridiculous and hypocritical... Communism had its day in the sun, and faltered as you well know. You speak of it having a rebirth properly, fine. But clearly you of all people can see and respect the need for the ebb and flow of all things politically motivated. Perhaps it is time for change, but I doubt it will be what you expect; I foresee Republic and Democratic principles in America evolving with each passing year to win votes. Their stances will change, maybe even flip again, but so long as they remain diametrically opposed, all will be balanced. It's only when they agree on certain important issues that a third party can rise up to fill in the need for... everyone else I suppose.

I fail to see how the abolishment of slavery had a negative impact on the working class. Please elaborate for me? I dont think there is a single Communist on the planet that would disagree with the Abolishment of slavery, and all probably viewed it is a progression of society.

The Democrats and Republicans back then were flipped opposites of what they are today. If Abe was alive today, he would most likely be a Democrat, and someone like Newt Gingrich would be a Democrat during the Slavery period. Obama would be a moderate Republican during that era also.

No, Communism has NOT had its day, or anything close to it. What DID have its day was State Capitalism combined with Totalitarian dictatorships that American Leadership has labeled as "Communist Countries" through mass propaganda, of which there can be no such thing since the term "Communist Country" is an oxymoron - it cannot exist by technical definition - for the sake of bastardizing and redefining an ideology as they see fit to keep their precious Capitalism safe. They had absolutely nothing to do with Communism (and were in fact much closer to Fascism), and anyone who has read the works of Marx, Engels, Luxemburg, or even Trotsky knows this. Regular privatized American Capitalism has also had its day, it has failed (and was doomed to fail from day 1), and we are seeing the beginning of its end. You dont like Communism and disagree with its fundamental principles in the context of what it REALLY is? Fine. But at least be intellectually honest and dont change the original meaning of things to fit your agenda. Id rather you come out and say "I like Capitalism, I dont care about the poor, its their problem, wars are inevitable, some races are better than others, etc". I have more respect for a man who is honest of where he really stands, even if he's wrong, than someone who misrepresents things to look politically correct.

Indeed, times do change. No one understands this better than us Marxists, in fact. However, every era of history has had a group of people, usually the ruling class as well as those who believe in the propaganda they spew forth, that resist these changes and want to keep traditional values intact in a changing material world, which just isnt logical, let alone just. It's called being a reactionary idealist. In fact, I am pretty sure it was Nietzsche that observed this concept (Master and Slave morality) and wrote about it even more so than Marx. Although I am by no means a "Nietzscheist", I see alot of this aspect of his philosophy in American society: We need a VERY serious and critical re-examination of our values, because the ones we have now are not working at all. But this is hardly enough to change society in a fundamental way. We can have the greatest values in the world, and it doesn't mean spit if class antagonisms are not eliminated.

I dont see American politics evolving at all. I see it DEVOLVING. I mean, we have states that cant even vote properly *COUGhFloridaCOUGH* The whole system is a complete sham because as ive said a million times, both parties are bought out and owned by Corporate interests. Want proof? Simply look at the last two Democratic presidents, and i dont know how many Republican presidents, as well as both parties in the Congress, that mingle corporate interests with political agenda. Not to mention the SCOTUS (Citizens United = epic fail). Both parties are not as opposed to one another as you are led to believe. Why bother voting when you get the same result regardless of who wins? But why have any parties at all to begin with? If there are political parties, it means there is a system of class antagonisms that functions as the Base of society, and that shouldnt be the case to begin with.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by FireIceTalon - 03-27-2012, 11:50 PM

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