I'm confused about the American Republican party
(03-27-2012, 04:32 PM)kandrathe Wrote: The second is that the "Republican" is not a monolithic mass of single minded opinion.

This is valid and I apologize. I just don't know how else to succinctly describe the mindset I am seeing. Conservative? Fox News Viewers? Taem said it best:
Taem Wrote:I'm pretty sure he's referring to the current political standing of Republicans running for office.

DeeBye Wrote:I know you hate the government's role in schooling, but there really are some things that must be taught to everyone before they start having sex.
Hate is too strong. I oppose it, and I will fight(politically) to get government out of running my life and controlling how and what we teach our children..

We'll have to disagree on this. I think that my government should be empowered to make sure that certain educational standards are set in schools, including basic sex education.

kandrathe Wrote:And... mom likes to shop at Walmart, and Target. You shouldn't generalize the quality of parenting by a few negative examples that you've witnessed in your local discount shop.

A few negative examples of bad parenting? You clearly haven't spent much time in a Walmart.

DeeBye Wrote:It's not being "dependent" on the government to ensure that schools have a minimum standard of sex education. It's more of an expectation.
It is a complicated issue fraught with extreme examples.

In your eyes, maybe. But in my eyes it's very clear. Teach kids what they need to know. Our views of what kids need to know about sex might differ, but I'm sure there is some common ground we can agree on that would lower the number of teen pregnancies and abortions.

kandrathe Wrote:At what age would you suggest children start having sex?

If you have to ask this question, then you missed the whole point of my huge monologue.

Also, this is the last time I am going to try to do replies to individual quotes within a reply. It's incredibly unwieldy.

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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by DeeBye - 03-28-2012, 04:14 AM

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