I'm confused about the American Republican party
(03-28-2012, 04:14 AM)DeeBye Wrote: We'll have to disagree on this. I think that my government should be empowered to make sure that certain educational standards are set in schools, including basic sex education.
I don't think we differ much. On human sexuality, I agree they should know what they need to know when they need to know it. I believe the schools should work with parents to set the schedule, and to even provide the materials. Sort of the mindset of, "If you don't teach them, then we will." By the time they cover it in public school, it should be review of what Mom and Dad have already taught them.

Quote:A few negative examples of bad parenting? You clearly haven't spent much time in a Walmart.
Well, you are right. I don't really like shopping - I tend to make smaller weekly trips to my local grocer. OT: It goes with my basic local philosophy or buying near to my house to ensure that I've done everything possible to support my neighborhoods entrepreneurs. I like having a gas station near my house, so I buy my gas there even if the price is a few cents higher.

Quote:In your eyes, maybe. But in my eyes it's very clear. Teach kids what they need to know. Our views of what kids need to know about sex might differ, but I'm sure there is some common ground we can agree on that would lower the number of teen pregnancies and abortions.
We are not that different on this. I think we agree that the objective is to prepare children for adulthood, and to prevent them from engaging in risky behaviors that may kill them, or seriously jeopardize their future success.

kandrathe Wrote:At what age would you suggest children start having sex?
If you have to ask this question, then you missed the whole point of my huge monologue.
I asked it that bluntly on purpose. If you start teaching 9 year olds how to engage in sex and give them condoms, then in essence I see it as giving them the nod to go ahead. I have zero problems having health offices in high school (~ age 14 and up) handing out condoms to whomever asks for them -- hopefully they are willing to talk with an adult to get counsel. I have more issues with promoting it, or for encouraging contraception for children under 16. At some point the adult response needs to be, "You should not be engaging in sexual intercourse". Choose an age.

Again, I think as adults we should always counsel abstinence until the young person is mature enough to think about it carefully. Otherwise, it is condoning reckless behavior. It's no different than condoning under aged drinking and driving. Illegal, serious, and in the age of AIDS, potentially deadly.

I didn't always have this straight forward of an attitude on these nearly adult issues. My parents were somewhat lax on the "rules" as I reached the age of adulthood, they allowed some moderate drinking and knew but didn't ask about my sexual encounters. It was a conversation I had a few years ago with my cousin that changed my mind. He basically made the case that if it is against the law, then the appropriate adult response is to support whatever is legal. It is illegal for minors to engage in sex, to smoke, and to drink alcohol, if you disagree with the law, then work to change it. Our culture too often sends mixed messages to our children. Do we support the rule of law governing our society, or not? I mean, we don't teach them how to use alcohol or heroin safely, right? There is a difference between teaching, enabling, and condoning. And yes, it is different in that most everyone will eventually have sex. It is not the case with illegal drugs, and to a lesser extent alcohol. The point being that we've singled out one proscribed behavior as somewhat condoned by age 17, while it is still not legal.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by kandrathe - 03-28-2012, 05:01 PM

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