Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee
Yep, 16k health is pretty normal for... nightmare. I had 25k at the end of nightmare and was pretty unsatisfied.

Although L2P tends to be used too much, I must say, if one is unable to accomplish something and others do, then a reevaluation is needed. Are those people that succeeded just lucky, or maybe they tried something else. It's way too arrogant to already claim to know everything about a game that came out for less than a month.

Sometimes you can admit that you are bad at a game. It happens all the time. Nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, but making excuses isn't the way to go sometimes.

I beat hell with 4k dps. Haven't spent more than 20k on an item. So, really... I feel that multiplayer scaling and quality of item drops is a much bigger issue. In other words, playing untwinked feels more tedious... but weapon damage applies to all characters now. It's not like casters can have 5 dmg wands anymore. If anything d3's bridged the gap a bit more.
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RE: Basic Math - The Failure of Diablo Melee - by Archon_Wing - 06-03-2012, 05:22 AM

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