Post 60-- There's No Joy in Victory
(06-05-2012, 03:00 AM)DeeBye Wrote: The AH is the gold sink for most of the players and it's a mighty big one. The problem is that 85% of that gold goes right into the AH barons' pockets.

That's not a gold sink. That's a gold transfer, except for the 15% cut that the AH takes, which is a gold sink. But that 15% cut isn't enough to stem the tide of inflation.

Gold sinks currently in the game include crafting, training craftsmen, stash slots, vendors, repairs, the Staff of Herding, and the 15% auction house cut. But the craftsmen training, stash slots, and Staff of Herding are one-time purchases. Once you max them out, there's no need to spend any more money on them. Crafting should be the game's major gold sink, but right now it's cheaper to buy things on the AH than to craft them yourself. That's why I think there should be a few very good crafting recipies that create bind-on-account items in order to create a market for crafting materials and a place to sink gold. As stated previously, my suggestion is that these items would be only class specific items. The other slots could still be filled directly off the auction house.

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RE: Post 60-- There's No Joy in Victory - by MongoJerry - 06-05-2012, 05:07 AM

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