First Hardcore Inferno Belial Kill (by a Barbarian, too)
Oh, I know he wasn't talking -exclusively- about me, because I never claimed the game is fail or X people won't play it past Y time, but I know full well he was addressing me in part - which he didn't shy away from admitting when called on, you'll note - and I was making a point that I need not be lumped in with everyone else who doesn't have the game yet but is still posting about it. I've been in a largely inquisitive mode as opposed to Chicken Little mode. But I refuse to be talked to like an idiot in any case. I played D1 until D2 came out and I never took a larger break than 13 or 14 months from D2 either. I've got probably close to 25K or so hours in on this series. In another thread I went into extensive discussion on Diablo history and how defence-oriented classes are the ones who ultimately always end up on top in this franchise, and I haven't seen anything in D3 proving that wrong - even Kapp's 2H Baba goes for defence at every turn other than using 2H over sword and board.

So yeah, just because I don't have the game doesn't mean I'm unable to perform pattern recognition or otherwise have valuable input. I know how Blizzard designs games, the history of the series, and what tends to work in their games. I'm willing to bet I've learned enough that when I do have the game, I don't die prior to Inferno. Although I've also read enough to know I won't regret not being in any rush to get the game just yet either - it sounds like 1.1 is intended to be their first polished release.

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RE: First Hardcore Inferno Belial Kill (by a Barbarian, too) - by ViralSpiral - 06-07-2012, 01:15 PM

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