First Hardcore Inferno Belial Kill (by a Barbarian, too)
(06-12-2012, 03:50 AM)Occhidiangela Wrote: Well, he managed to avoid that, or perhaps avoid it until Act III.

The person in the video died when he set foot in act 3 to a pack of the tongue lashing monsters, pretty much the first challenge he ran into in act 3.
Not surprising though, while going from act 1 (which is still reasonably manageable) to act 2 is a significant difficulty spike, I read that from act 3 onwards, the average damage of a monster rises from 10k (in act 2) to 50k or something ridiculous like that.

Personally I'm somewhat surprised that people are making the effort to play HC with the game in its current state, considering there are just so many things that are out of control from the player that makes staying alive impossible at times.
To me, that is like knowingly playing a shell game that is rigged.

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RE: First Hardcore Inferno Belial Kill (by a Barbarian, too) - by Kurosu - 06-13-2012, 04:05 AM

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