Path of Exile free to play in about six hours.
Well, I switched over to dual wielding last night, as I picked up yet another super awesome sword. On small packs, I'm mowing them down so fast it's unbelievable.

The problem? Big Packs. I'm still trying to get the Vaal Ruins done. Once I enter the 3rd area (pools and streams I think it's called) and I start looking for a way to remove the mist, I get thoroughly destroyed by the same type of pack every time. It's normally 3-4 "blue" humans, 3-4 cobras, and at least 1, but twice last night it was 2, rares in the pack. I'm just not able to get stuff down fast enough to stabalize with the dual wielding. I'm going to give it a go tonight, see if I run into it again, and see if maybe it was just me being ill and under the weather.

So far, of all the things I've messed with (dual wield, sword and board, 2h'er) I don't see a huge difference in the gear making me feel more "sturdy". It feels like it's come down to my abilities more so than the weapons. Maybe it's just me being comfortable with one over the other.

Frag, I looked at the Resolute Technique, and it's interesting. I've thought about getting it, I guess I'm just not sure what to think of it. Does accuracy really become a moot point? If so, It would fit in really well with what I'd like to do.

As far as picking a weapon type, I just don't know that I care for those types of skills. As I'm finding already, while leveling, they can end up as either Dead Points, or you end up using a vastly inferior weapon while waiting for a good new weapon. I might look into those later, but for right now, I'm sort of trying to shy away from picking up skills that choose weapons (I even hate that spent points on 1h'er and 2h'er points.)
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RE: Path of Exile free to play in about six hours. - by shoju - 02-06-2013, 02:27 PM

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