Path of Exile free to play in about six hours.
Still trudging through, leveling slow. I played my marauder last night, got him to level 50. (made a church run, I love that dungeon) I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do with him. Maybe I'll try and snag an Enduring Cry gem, and see if that makes him feel "sturdier". Right now, I can end up in situations where I just feel like he folds faster than the Life Leech could ever hope to work.

ON the other hand, I did pick up a few nifty pieces of Templar gear while I was in there, and then had some fun with my templar. I'm ready to take on Merveil, quest wise, I'm just not sure if I'm ready to take her on "mentally". The last time I was in there, was with my Shadow, and I just remember wanting to punch the screen because the transition to her second form was roasting me (adds, and Pathetic AoE). I don't think I'll have that problem this time around, but We'll See.

Zealot's Oath - Life Leech Applies to Energy Shield Instead of Life.
I've been thinking about this Skill a lot the past couple of days. How much Life Leech do you think you would need to keep up your ES well? I currently have Life Leech Support on my Glacial Hammer (which hits like a freight train) And Warlord's Mark. I'm hoping to get another Life Leech Gem so that I can put it on Ice Nova.

Do you think that it's possible to use Zealot's Oath with What I have, or should I start looking for more Life Leech before I try that? I like the idea that ES can prevent Stuns, and I would think that with Warlord's Mark, I should be able to do something about it, but I'm just not sure, if Life Leeching moving to ES will be a good thing. My ES still feels a little weak in some big packs. (1500HP, ~600ES, ~700Armor)


At this point, I'm picking up the last 8% life node, then the CR Node, then I would think about Zealot's Oath, or maybe just head right into the Shield tree. nearby, since that is holding 90% incresed ES from Shield, and I've been looking at some of the rolls that I'll be getting into soon for ES on Shield, and I'm /drooling.

What do people think of the Ele Resist flasks? I have a couple of them, including a Chaos Resist one. I was thinking about decking it out for Act II, since I'm still a little low on CR. By decking it out, I mean, spending the Glassblowers on it to make it 20%, and then rolling it until I get good Prefix/Suffix for me.

I have 21 Glassblower's right now, so Using 4 of them on the flask before I roll it isn't a "huge" loss, and I have plenty of Alteration/Augmentation shards.

I just figured it would be a good way to deal with a couple of areas in Act II that will be a little problematic (Spiders, Vaal Constructs). My whopping 3% CR after the penalty certainly isn't going to do much for me.
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RE: Path of Exile free to play in about six hours. - by shoju - 03-07-2013, 02:37 PM

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