Path of Exile free to play in about six hours.
(03-08-2013, 07:08 PM)MonTy Wrote: If you want some help, all my old Marauder's gear is available for the taking. I already deleted the 72 in SC, so I have no use for it. It's listed here.
I appreciate it, but I think I'm probably going to be retiring him. Not sure if I'm going to delete him, but for now, the templar is just more fun, and almost caught up to him in levels.

I'll probably be stripping out his gems and what not for now, and using them in the templar as I can.

That being said, I'm definitely interested in the Chaos Resist ring you have for sure. Let me know what you would want for that bad boy.

(03-08-2013, 07:08 PM)MonTy Wrote: You would need a lot. If anything I'd wait until much higher level where you have higher DPS, or if you happen to find that spiffy new unique chest. Until then I'd continue to focus on life. Chaos Damage is a huge problem for ES builds.
That's what I thought. I think I'm just going to focus on getting to Resolute Technique for a while, I didn't mind/notice missing so much, but now... It bugs me. I'm going to grab the life node, the Chaos Node, and then head down to get Res Tech before I head back to the next Shield Node.

It also works out, since I'm going to be headed down to Marauder territory for the Endurance Charge, 15% resist, and life nodes down there.

That chest is.... Well... Insane. Negating the pain of Chaos Damage, is worth it alone.

There are a few Uniques that I wouldn't mind picking up, I just don't seem to have anything that people want for them.

Koam's Sign
Aegis Aurora (fits right into my plan for the build later on. Blocking for ES? Yes Please)
The Supreme Truth It's a little less weapon damage than what I have right now, but the EXP increase, the Gem increase, the Ele damage increase all work in it's favor.

(03-08-2013, 07:08 PM)MonTy Wrote: I like them, and have used them to great success in Hardcore. Especially that Fire flask for Merciless Piety. Her fire form is brutal, insanely high burst dps and she gets to you immediately. It's saved my life several times. Also may want to use Fire against the General fight in A3.

Other flasks I've used are Chaos in certain A2 zones. I have a high quality Chaos flask that has +movement speed, which I used instead of my quicksilver flask in A2.

I've always found Merveil easier in Merciless than other difficulties, so I never needed the cold flask there. Piety's lightning in the first A3 quest can hurt if you get hit with the lightning storm & ball, so may want to equip the lightning one there.

I assume everyone uses Granite flasks at all times in A3 Cruel and onward. Those with +% armor are a must in every build. A lot of people run two Granite flasks even.

That's sort of what I was thinking. I have been toying with using a Granite Flask, I just haven't yet. Sometimes, I do stupid things, and going 2l/3m on the flasks is helping right now, but I'm starting to consider carrying them with me. Now that I hit Act II in Cruel on the Templar, I'll probably start carrying the Chaos one with me for sure, and probably a Granite Flask. I'd like to get a Cold Res Flask, but sadly I can't seem to track one down that is just base, and not already decked out with Baubles, and magic'd. I even have an extra Topaz Flask I've offered to trade people for it.

Here is some gear

The top is what My templar is currently using. Don't mind the mess that is the gems, I'm in the process of testing out what I like better, Lightning, or Frost, so i'm sure the gems make absolutely no sense.

The second section, is what my Marauder is/was wearing. I'm wondering if anyone would care? Should I bother trying to trade it? Or just vendor it if I do delete him? The gems in there, will probably be migrating over to my Templar as I meet req's for them, (and they make sense, like Life Leech, and Life on Hit, etc...)

And then finally, some stashed goodies. I've just stashed 4l"s for a while, not sure what to do with them. Some people say they are worth good trade, others, not so much. So I've just stashed them. I've tried to sell them a few times, but don't get much interest in an already flooded market. So I figure I'll stash them for now, and maybe find someone later who is interested.
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RE: Path of Exile free to play in about six hours. - by shoju - 03-08-2013, 07:54 PM

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