Path of Exile free to play in about six hours.
Today I started feeling somewhat like a change of pace. Something different from my summoner witch. My summoner stands back so I'm thinking melee. That means no ranger. My summoner doesn't focus on damage and so I'm thinking one something that does. That means no templar. I;ve never been muc hof a fan of big slow hits so thinking no marauder. That leaves duelist and shadow. I was thinking duelist, but looking at it I feel like I'd just die too much. So I'm thinking Shadow with life leech to keep me alive. That means claws probably. I feel like I'm vaguely following Shoju heh. He made a summoner... I made one. He made a claw shadow... I'm making one. It isn't on purpose though! Just how things line up heh.

My summoner is roughly 83/120 on the passive tree so I'm going to aim for that with a Shadow build. That way I have a goal I know I can hit and actually play. I'm thinking Leech, high physical damage, and any evasion I can get. Something like maybe.

A change from 1 life and high ES with the summoner to no ES and high life with this one. Though it is also somewhat the same in that it is ignoring some stats in favor of others. Should play different though. We'll see I guess.

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RE: Path of Exile free to play in about six hours. - by swirly - 04-22-2013, 03:19 AM

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