Path of Exile free to play in about six hours.
With the absolute glut of viable F2P games coming out now I'm interested in hearing how people feel PoE compares now that they have had a chance to play for awhile.

League of Legends has proven to be evergreen for me personally, whereas I've played Dota 2 maybe 3 matches (and I have nearly 10 free gifts of it in my Steam inventory taking up space).

I question why I would pay money for Defiance when I've got the free option for Firefall sitting right here and if they make some decent improvements to the questing system in these last pushes it could be truly good.

It's very rare that I've found a F2P game that truly lasts. (I've probably spent hundreds of dollars on LoL and don't regret a dime.) For those of you seriously investing in Path of Exile can you say anything similar? Could you see yourself putting in even a few dollars towards it? If you have put money into it have you had buyers regret? I paid for my early beta access to the game, and I won't say I regret the purchase (I've gotten my dollars worth) but even having a free arpg sitting on my desktop I find it hard to validate investing time into it with so many other options.

Free to Play used to be an issue of "eh, it's free and I'm bored" but more and more there are offerings of triple A equivalants in the F2P marketplace. Where do you place PoE? "Eh, it's free"? or: "This is a real viable long term game"?

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RE: Path of Exile free to play in about six hours. - by Chesspiece_face - 04-25-2013, 01:44 AM

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