Path of Exile free to play in about six hours.
Duelist is incredible for physical Leap Slam builds. This is because Leap Slam does not factor in weapon speed, only the +attack speed modifiers, and the Duelist has some good passives that support that.

He's definitely not the best for elemental cleave, which is better suited for Templar or Marauder. Generally you'll want two 1-handed weapons for Ele cleave as well.

If you go for something like this, you'd have to go for a decision on whether to run Auras or take the Blood Magic Keystone. I prefer taking the Keystone until I get five or six links. Here's a tree I drafted up quick. You may need more Int nodes depending how much +stat gear you have, to run curses. Amplify near the Templar tree is crucial for this build, as it'll really help with your Leap Slam AoE range.

For gear and links you'll want to start with Leap Slam, Added Fire Damage, Faster Attacks, Melee Physical (RRRG). For single target use the same thing but Heavy Strike in place of Leap Slam. Grace is mandatory for this build, and equip it as soon as you can use it (lvl 31). be sure to have Iron Reflxes keystone by then, and link it with reduced mana so it takes less life from you. Other skills would be decoy totem, Vulnerability, Enfeeble, and you may want to link them to Faster Casting, Inc. AoE, and/or Inc. Duration.

End-game for this build would be getting five or six links and switching over to Auras, which would require a bit of re-speccing and be around lvl 80.

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RE: Path of Exile free to play in about six hours. - by MonTy - 05-18-2013, 04:40 AM

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