Path of Exile free to play in about six hours.

A Preview of Patch .11.
  • I'm really nervous about them screwing around with ES. Mainly because I'm an ES user? I understand that they are reducing monster damage, but.... Color me worried. I like that they are trying to rebalance things, I'm just a little nervous about the results. Probably because they don't talk %'s on the reduction yet, just that it's being reduced. I like being able to plan.

  • I HATE WITH THE FURY OF A THOUSAND SUNS their "solution" to the fusing problem. Hey! Let's introduce another ridiculously rare, and unbelievably tedious to find, and soul crushingly expensive orb, so that you can try to get that 6 link! I officially couldn't care less about 5l or 6l now. It's obvious (looking at how much I play, and the currency I've had) that I'm not going to be getting a 5L/6L unless it drops that way, and I craft from there. 1500 fusings? I've not even seen 50 fusings, and I've played one character to 71, 2 more into the mid 50's, and a host into the 30's.

  • The full reset is also going to be a blessing and a curse. i'm going to have to go to the site, and map out my current build, do the changes, hit the full reset button, and then go back and painfully input it one by one. It makes me wish there was an easier way to handle that.

  • the new Anarchy league sounds VERY interesting to me. I dig that. I might try to do that.

  • Challenges. I like where this is heading.

  • Item Allocation changes. I've been thinking about it. I like it. I might not group randomly ever again, but this at least leaves the door cracked to think about it.

  • Mini Life Bars. As long as they don't degrade performance too much, I'm in love. Yes Please. Bonus points if I can do it with a hotkey (enable/disable)

nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright

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RE: Path of Exile free to play in about six hours. - by shoju - 05-31-2013, 05:40 PM

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