Citizen's United II - the other foot
(08-21-2013, 05:07 PM)kandrathe Wrote: I'm not being

It has been attempted in law already to make web site owners, or ISP's that host those sites responsible for what we say on their web sites. If that ever happens, they will have no choice but to stop allowing us to speak for liability reasons alone. Who will be able to speak then? Why corporations of course, who can afford the lawyers to defend their speech rights, and who have the many dollars needed to engage the only outlets allowed for speech.

It becomes ever more clearer that it is not 'freedom' what the Americans want (and I want to add also us Europeans here) but just the bits of it we think are cool.

We make up great stories about why we should have the right to bear arms, but at the same time we don't care if Bradley Manning goes to jail, Snowden is wanted, Assange is wanted, the government checks all our private mails etc.

Notice that in all the cases of these people bringing in the open secret documents that show ourt governments are trampling our basic rights the main focus is on what type of mental issues these people (Manning, Assange, Snowden) have. The government and media are successfully spinning these stories in a way that the common man will hate the bringer of the news, and doesn't care about the prosecution of Americans who kill Iraqi citizens for fun, organisations who spy on us etc.

I am only following the discussion half so I don't know what this basic human rights have to do with the right wing extremists, but in this last post you made a good point.

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RE: Citizen's United II - the other foot - by eppie - 08-22-2013, 07:05 AM

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