Blackfish documentary on CNN - anyone else watch it?
<I was trying to make a point, but did a truly terrible job and it came across very bad. I'm going to delete the offensive text and not even try and *fix* it>

Second point, I don't see how this is any worse then breeding domesticated animals for everyday consumption. Just go to youtube and search for Earthlings Trailer. Go ahead, do it now. I'll wait while you watch it. It's only 6-min 48-sec long for the extended trailer. I'd link it, but. I'm typing from my phone, sorry.

After watching that video, I've lost all hope in humanity as a "good" race of any sorts. That and now I always think twice before eating beef. I'm not sure if I had much of a point in my first paragraph other then pointing out the absurdity of comparing human captivity to wild animals, but I feel I did a terrible job doing it. SO hard to type on this phone.... very distracting using a touch phone
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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RE: Blackfish documentary on CNN - anyone else watch it? - by Taem - 10-25-2013, 08:02 PM

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