Blackfish documentary on CNN - anyone else watch it?
(10-30-2013, 12:15 PM)LennyLen Wrote:
Quote:Anyway, pigs are at least as intelligent and emotionally sensitive as Orca's and what we do to them........

I eat them for breakfast. Bacon should be considered a food group all by itself.

Which, I suppose, leads us back to the beginning of the thread: What do Orcas taste like? (Idempotence and Deebye tell us: like Orcas.)

If it's okay to eat Porca, why not Orca?

This is maybe how we lash our digression about free will back into the original topic. It seems clear that animals think. If they think, are they subjects of morality? (How about chickens? Fish? Insects?) Is it okay to eat them? To capture and train them for our amusement? Is one better than the other?

Do I have to become a vegan? Or is it okay to keep them (or kill them) if we treat them more humanely while we do it?

I know it's a question barrage. But I've never been entirely sure how to take a moderate position on this, without becoming either Ted Nugent or Peter Singer. Or even Pete Seeger.


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RE: Blackfish documentary on CNN - anyone else watch it? - by Jester - 10-30-2013, 04:53 PM

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