So the Pope is a marxist.... (wait for it)
(01-03-2014, 08:00 PM)kandrathe Wrote:
(01-03-2014, 07:51 PM)shoju Wrote: And while this article speaks to the hannity / beck conversation, there are plenty out there in the insaniTEA Party who have embraced this type of ideology. It's only small government, and limited oversight of private lives, when it concerns them. The rest of us are fucked, and they are willing to deny rights, steal our shit, embrace governmental control of industry, and eminent domain of land to achieve their goals.

Do you really think it is correct to bundle all the bat crazy crap from the right, label it "insaniTEA Party", then paint everyone with that broad brush? There is much ignorance all around us. But, I get it. Sometimes you cannot help but to laugh at it. But... I think often it is a political strategy to marginalize and ridicule. It doesn't lead to educating the ignorant, or resolving any political debate. Just more buffoonery, ranting idiocy, and more ignorance. I'm just a bit weary of all of it. FOX, MSNBC, CNN, PBS et. al. As Jon Stewart said, "You're hurting America. Please stop."

I'm not bundling everyone on the right into the same thing. I'm bundling the Tea Party & the Fundies, and painting them with the "Stereotype" Color. It is absolutely infuriating to me, that here we are, in the 21st century, a golden age of advancement in so many ways, yet we are still fighting to attain rights and liberties, and equalities for people that we have branded as different, while trying to tell the creation math, science hating, backwards thinking populace that they are hurting our kids with their insanity.

If the pope is a marxist, then I guess.... I am too. And here, I always thought of myself as more of a moderate. This is the first pope I can look at, and read about, and think "well, he's got shortcomings, but damn he's trying REALLY hard to clean up, and modernize the church."

I have no use for fundamentalist christian ideologies. I sadly, and more intimately familiar with that lifestyle than most, having grown up the son of a fundie pastor, and learned first hand the sectarianist, xenophobic, believe in the mysticism, ways from a very early age.

I also have no use for a political movement like the Tea Party, whose PRIMARY GOAL has been obstructionistic in design. And I think we can agree, that by merely calling it obstructionistic, that's being pretty kind.

So yes, in those instances, I'm going to be harsh. It's my real, honest, no bullshit opinion of it. I've tried really hard to be rational with them. I've tried really hard to have legitimate conversations with them. But in the end, it boils down to an emotional position that is shared by both groups I've pointed at in this post.

They are right. They are just. They have the moral high ground. If you aren't with them, you are against them. There is no gray area. There is no compromise. And I just can't accept that.
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RE: So the Pope is a marxist.... (wait for it) - by shoju - 01-03-2014, 10:00 PM

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