US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage
(07-13-2015, 06:25 AM)LemmingofGlory Wrote: As salty old people die off the subsequent generations just won't care.

It may take longer than some folks would like, and bigotry in general can be cyclical. People can forget or ignore the lessons of history quite fast.
Or they may lack the reading comprehension ability, but hey they're great at throwing tantrums I guess.

Anyhow before the discussion derailment attempt via tantrum happened, there was a good point you mentioned with the 14th amendment. We've discussed this previous and it has been brought up in other threads, but 14th also happened to be used to give corporations it's legal personhood.

It'd be interesting to get more legal perspective and opinions on this US ruling, to see how ironclad or resistant it would be to legal twisting. You know, aside from what tumblR brand SJW PC police has to rant and rave about it, because I'm sure the world is just dying to know what insightful nuggets they can bring to the table. Tongue INB4: NO UR THE NUGGET! Mmmmmm, nuggets.

[Image: chichen_nuggets_not_chicken_a.jpg]

Hey waitaminute...All White..?? That nugget is racist! You better believe I'm calling it out! BIG TIME! #racistfoods!

ps. PM inbound, check your inbox though because it maybe full.

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RE: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage - by Hammerskjold - 07-14-2015, 09:13 PM

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